
Is Writing THE Loneliest Job? – by Joshua Pantalleresco

Is Writing THE Loneliest Job? – by Joshua Pantalleresco

One misconception about the writing business is that we're fighting each other over precious few positions. As a freelancer, I can assure you there is a ton of work out there in a lot of different markets...…

6 Paying Humor Markets for Freelance Writers – by Emma Larkins

6 Paying Humor Markets for Freelance Writers – by Emma Larkins

So, how do you get around the fact that everybody and their grandmother wants to attach themselves to the laugh-powered gravy train, regardless of actual skill or quality of sense of humor? Instead of focusing on "just" writing humor, the wise freelancer should find ways to integrate material capable of inducing involuntary grins into articles for niches that aren't strictly focused on being funny... …

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