
Use People-watching as Inspiration for Your Fiction Characters! by Julie Guirgis

Use People-watching as Inspiration for Your Fiction Characters! by Julie Guirgis

People watching is an essential part of being a writer and lesson in human nature. How this is done is by seeing people’s bad and good habits, distinctive temperaments, tastes, and appearances, and deepest longings and fears. It involves watching people to get an insight into the beauty and rhythm of the community around us.…

My Child Wrote A Book!!! But, Can We Publish It? by Harvey Randall, Esq.

My Child Wrote A Book!!! But, Can We Publish It? by Harvey Randall, Esq.

Your child has written a book and a number of friends who have read it have remarked that it is great, and should be published. Your child then tells you he or she has decided to become an author, and wants to have the book published. You quickly respond “okay,” and then, realizing what you said, you ask yourself a number of questions: Can my child actually publish a book?…

6 Mind Games For Writers (queue Twilight Zone theme song NOW…) By Jayne Thurber-Smith

6 Mind Games For Writers (queue Twilight Zone theme song NOW…) By Jayne Thurber-Smith

I used to love flying kites with my kids when they were little. Just yesterday, as I tackled a challenging writing assignment (is there any other kind?), I experienced the exact same feelings of kite-flying. My mind flashed back ten years to playing at the park. First came the weak, failed attempts of trying to get it airborne; the running and throwing, the frustration, the phrases of “this sucks!” or even worse “this will never work.” Then unexpectedly, gloriously, the kids and I got to see the kite finally catch the right combination of wind current and momentum and take off, with no more effort required on my part. I hung on and watched the kids’ cute SpongeBob kite appear to literally dance on air. Then came the inevitable and sad ending. Whether caused by me reeling the kite in because it was time to go or by the wind calling it quits, SpongeBob would crash to the ground with an abrupt thud.…

14 Paying Faith Markets for Writers By Laura Yeager

14 Paying Faith Markets for Writers By Laura Yeager

As life brings me more trials, I’ll “digest” them and turn them into spiritual articles and essays for others just trying to get through the day on this difficult path we call life. God willing. I encourage you to try your hand at writing for God. Examine your life. Read the Bible--or whatever religious guide to which you aspire. Pray about it. I’m sure He will assist you.…

Has Your Writing Been Rejected? At Least Your Hand Didn’t Get Chopped Off! By B J Bassett

Has Your Writing Been Rejected? At Least Your Hand Didn’t Get Chopped Off! By B J Bassett

Writing isn’t for wimps, or for those who are sensitive or thin skinned. It’s for writers who believe in themselves and their work, and realize that rejection is part of the business. Even with a thick skin, rejection hurts. Writers labor over their creations, and rewrite, trying to find that perfect word. Our manuscripts are like our babies. We send them out into the world, only to be rejected. Anyone who puts pen to paper knows the sting of rejection. It goes with the territory.…

Amazon’s Actions Lead To Angry Readers, And May Have Killed My Sponsorship Deal! By Wendy Lou Jones

Amazon’s Actions Lead To Angry Readers, And May Have Killed My Sponsorship Deal! By Wendy Lou Jones

For those of us whose books are listed on the infinite Amazon platform, working with a ‘900-pound gorilla’ has not always been easy. Small press publishers and authors alike have occasionally had to listen to the temper tantrums of that engorged beast as it flexed its muscles (searching for more bananas, no doubt). As the owner of RK books, I have experienced things that can only be described as ‘Amazon issues’ with one of our titles.…

4 Ways to Get Your Book Reviewed! by AmandaEmma

4 Ways to Get Your Book Reviewed! by AmandaEmma

There are lots of self-published authors out there who have no idea how to write a good book review request! I have read numerous posts and articles from authors claiming they know how to write the best book review requests. The thing is...they are usually wrong. So, I am here today with a few tips for sending in review requests that will hopefully give you more acceptances and fewer rejections.…

Publish Or Withdraw? How To Deal With A Heavy Editor… By Aris Apostolopoulos

Publish Or Withdraw? How To Deal With A Heavy Editor… By Aris Apostolopoulos

Dealing with a heavy editor is not only frustrating but it's a process that can definitely hurt you as a writer as well. Writers already have to deal with insecurities the industry fills us with. We will read a book, a short story, a feature. We may feel down because another writer has written something at a level we believe we will never reach. We will hear about a six-figure author and disappointment will knock on our door, especially when we are dealing with a cash flow issue.…

Grab The Helm! Creative Prospecting Will Make You The Captain Of Your Own Salary! By Matt Gallus

Grab The Helm! Creative Prospecting Will Make You The Captain Of Your Own Salary! By Matt Gallus

When writing for a livable income, it can sometimes feel like you're navigating through harsh and unforgiving waters. On the left, you have the sharp, jagged rocks, and in every other direction, you have enormous waves crashing over your deck, calling you to the bottom. One wrong move and your salary will be feeding the sharks and man-eating squid. Argh! What does a writer do to fight back when his sword has fallen off the ship? Luckily, Ol' Captain Matt Gallus has read enough books to know a thing or two about killing the problem with your bare hands. I'll show you how!…

How I Earned An Extra $15K Last Year Selling Family Secrets By Rich Bivins

How I Earned An Extra $15K Last Year Selling Family Secrets By Rich Bivins

I had no idea that, when I crafted these family heirloom books, I would soon be earning a decent return for my time and a stream of cash flow for doing something I love to do anyway. It all started when my mom shared her new biography with her neighbor in Florida.…

10 Paying Pet Markets For Writers! By Wendy Hobday Haugh

10 Paying Pet Markets For Writers! By Wendy Hobday Haugh

When it comes to popular human interest topics, pets will always rank high on the list. Their eccentricities, shenanigans, aggravating and heartwarming ways make for many great stories. So, why not write them up, share them with others, and make some money at the same time?…

The 4 Steps to Becoming an Entertainment Writer! By Robert Peterpaul

The 4 Steps to Becoming an Entertainment Writer! By Robert Peterpaul

My hands trembled over the keyboard when I started to write my first entertainment article. Despite my wealth of experience, I was nervous. Entertainment writing is a different animal, I thought. It wasn't until I fully lost myself in the craft that I came to this comforting realization - writing is writing and good entertainment writing is still writing.…

10 Deep Web Engines for Finding Hidden Writing Jobs By Leah Zitter

10 Deep Web Engines for Finding Hidden Writing Jobs By Leah Zitter

In a previous article, I wrote about Metasearch as being one fantastic engine for finding hidden writing jobs on the web. Well, Metasearch is dead. God bless the departed king. God save the new monarchs. The most meritorious successors, it seems to me, are the following...…

“HELP!” Emergency Grants for Writers, Artists, and Other Creative Folks By Robyn McGee

“HELP!” Emergency Grants for Writers, Artists, and Other Creative Folks By Robyn McGee

I have been freelancing for over 20 years and I can best describe my love affair with writing as feast or famine. Freelancing provides me with the opportunities to explore the subjects I am most passionate about: women's and family matters, education issues and the arts. The pay is steady and a nice supplement to my income as a part-time teacher.…

5 Tips For Non-Native English Writers By Aris Apostolopoulos

5 Tips For Non-Native English Writers By Aris Apostolopoulos

We are living in the age of the Internet and writers can now work wherever they want to work, writing for a magazine in California while enjoying a cup of hot chocolate in Vienna. However, having access to a laptop and an Internet connection is not always enough and, sometimes, even talent is inadequate. What if you really were in Vienna with that hot chocolate in your hand, but you could not write a single English word? Exactly, you wouldn't write for a publication in California. Or would you?…

When Writers SCREW UP the Facts! By Wendy Hobday Haugh

When Writers SCREW UP the Facts! By Wendy Hobday Haugh

I hurled the newspaper aside, appalled by the writer's shoddy treatment of her subject, humiliated by her failure to proofread and, even more, profoundly disappointed. I'd trusted this fellow word-slinger, and she let me down...…

Low-tech, Easy Bookkeeping For Freelancers By William Pepe

Low-tech, Easy Bookkeeping For Freelancers By William Pepe

To dislike making the shift from the vocation of your choice to bookkeeping is a common characteristic of any self-employed individual. Here is a minimal plan for keeping financial records with which your accountant can work.…

Go Global! Expanding Your Writing Business Overseas By Aris Apostolopoulos

Go Global! Expanding Your Writing Business Overseas By Aris Apostolopoulos

Being a freelance writer is not an easy job. You have to be your own personal manager, your own bookkeeper, your own publicist, the one who promotes your work, and, of course, a writer. However, this is the easy part when your clients are 12 flying hours away and you have to make everyone feel satisfied - including yourself. …

Pitch Your Book to These National Book Clubs! By Dr. Marlene Caroselli

Pitch Your Book to These National Book Clubs! By Dr. Marlene Caroselli

Poet Don Marquis once divided the world into two types of people: those who could tell you they had just bought a package of paper napkins and make you "thrill and vibrate with the intelligence" and those who could share the secrets of the universe and yet "fail to impress you with any sense of the importance of the news."…

How My Bookstore Signings Led to a Traditional Publishing Contract and Film Consideration! By William Creed

How My Bookstore Signings Led to a Traditional Publishing Contract and Film Consideration! By William Creed

Being self-published, and trying to see your creation become successful, can be a daunting task - especially if you have no one to counsel you. I've written several books and have close to a hundred book signings under my belt. The result is a traditional publisher signed me to a multi-book contract, and these books are carried by Barnes and Noble and several other chains now. In addition, my first book is now under consideration by a film company. That's the good news.…

The Fortune is in The Follow Up! Four Ways to Land Writing Gigs from Businesses By Dorit Sasson

The Fortune is in The Follow Up! Four Ways to Land Writing Gigs from Businesses By Dorit Sasson

I look the freelance plunge five years ago when I decided to pitch magazine editors. For two years, I queried a massive number of editors only to find that that strategy wasn't adding to my monthly income goals. So I opted to pitch businesses instead who need website, copy, blogs, social media, posts, newsletters, emails, press releases, descriptions for online directories, and more. In this way, I was able to double my income. This article will give four ways you can land writing gigs for business in this competitive online environment...…

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