When Book Editors Err… By Dr. Marlene Caroselli
There are two types of people in this world: Those who can edit and those who can't... …
Published on June 24, 2015
There are two types of people in this world: Those who can edit and those who can't... …
Published on June 3, 2015
As a writer, you have special skills - and a passion for language, too! Oh, how teachers would love you in their classrooms, inspiring their pupils to write, and guiding them with your expertise! So how about sharing your specialist knowledge and infectious enthusiasm with the youngsters in your local schools, and building up your earnings as you go? …
Published on May 27, 2015
You tell yourself, "Someday, I'm going to write my memoirs" but "Someday" never comes. Perhaps this short narrative telling you how I have cluttered my children's homes with hundreds of pages of my memoirs will help you get started... …
Published on May 20, 2015
In 2006, I was spending my weekend sitting in a cubicle with four elderly women arguing about the proper step-by-step process every representative should be trained...…
Published on May 6, 2015
Just as train tracks cross so can your interests intersect with those of many other "lines" in the publishing world. You must make the connection! …
Published on April 29, 2015
I have written as a ghostwriter a few times and usually the contract that I enter into is held with respect by both parties. In this instance it was not. Watch out for scammers that will literally steal your work! …
Published on April 22, 2015
These days writers must sell themselves, it's a given. We've got to look for and latch onto any opportunity to self promote. Book talks are an excellent way to do it. Senior citizen groups, local service clubs, libraries, schools, and writers groups all have a frequent need for speakers and we must serve - if we want to sell, that is. Of course the first step is informing everyone by phone call, letter or email of your availability to speak. Then, as the dates pile up, you'll need a plan... …
Published on April 15, 2015
If you're like me, you love to write in part because you love to explore. One of the few things I enjoy as much as exploring new territory in my fiction and nonfiction writing is exploring new places in the world. I love to travel almost as much as I love to write. Years ago, I decided to combine these two passions.…
Published on April 8, 2015
The problem with editing for a family member is that you generally can't ask for money... …
Published on April 2, 2015
Biographies are invaluable to a writer. A strong bio makes a strong impression and is a powerful tool to advertise and sell the writer's writing skills. A good bio can lead to repeat business with editors whose attention is captured, a loyal readership whose interest is retained and new clientele whose imagination is piqued, which is great for your business and credentials. And writing a good bio should be a piece of cake for a wordsmith. Yet writers often stumble at this important task. …
Published on March 25, 2015
The recent Writers Weekly article, Great Writing Gig Or A Scam?, got me thinking about all the deadbeat editors I've met in my long freelancing career and how I've answered some of their "scams." …
Published on March 18, 2015
As writers, many of us feel the same things as we try to get the attention of the editors we believe would be a perfect fit for our submissions. As someone who's been doing this for more than 20 years, and has also worked as an editor on occasion, I'd like to offer a little perspective... …
Published on March 11, 2015
As an underpaid adjunct English-Journalism professor, I always looked desperately for concrete examples to enlighten my students why good grammar was not just a theory in principle but actually paid off. Little did I know then that I would need to heed my own advice. Not only did my own suggestions help me avoid cheats but I also got some revenge (a mild dish served sort of like a cold turkey sandwich)... …
Published on March 4, 2015
Niche never crossed my mind in the ICU waiting room. At the time, I could barely understand what had happened. Old people had strokes, not 49-year-old, otherwise healthy men, and certainly not my husband. Whatever had just happened, I told myself, it was a temporary thing. He would heal and we would go on with our lives. Unfortunately, that's not what happened... …
Published on February 26, 2015
In my 40-plus year career as an income tax preparer, all too often I would find that clients who were trying to earn money as self-employed, or as freelancers, but were not successful did not realize that they could deduct their expenses (losses) against their other income... …
Published on February 19, 2015
Here's how to spot 10 of the most common red flags telling you that great gig you're thinking about is really a scam... …
Published on February 4, 2015
Comment marketing. That's right. You see this "dream client" materialized as a result of a simple, thoughtful comment I placed a while back at another blogger's site. Impressed and intrigued, he followed my link and the rest is history... …
Published on January 21, 2015
You're dragging along as a writer and you're doing pretty well. You're making a comfortable living from your skills - and working hard for every cent. But, wouldn't it be nice to start earning some passive income? Wouldn't it be great to create something with the skills that you already possess (writing) that will keep on generating income month after month? Maybe you're not at the point in your career where you're able to just write up a full-length book. That's okay because there are some low-or-no-cost digital products that you can make right now, and sell on Amazon, your blog, your website, or wherever else... …
Published on January 14, 2015
Writers are dealt a tough hand. We see little early correlation between effort, talent, and profit; we slave over details until our eyes water, just to expose ourselves to criticism. Small wonder that Googling "writers as masochists" returned more than 3 million results. But, are you more of a masochist than necessary? Are you criticizing yourself more than the critics, demanding more of yourself than any editor would? …
Published on January 7, 2015
It's a problem that plagues a lot of new freelancer writers and many are unsure about how to tackle it. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with an unresponsive editor. …
Published on December 31, 2014
Let's face it: as a writer competing with millions of blogs, in a very crowded niche, the last thing you want to do is stand out in a bad way! And, many of us are too close to the problem to be truly objective... …
Published on December 19, 2014
Every author needs an audience, and there's no reason why you can't start building one right now in your own backyard. What follows are five easy steps to get you started... …
Published on December 10, 2014
You've seen them lining the shelves in the kids' section of your local library. Perhaps your own children read them. Simple books that teach, explain, examine, and enthusiastically describe the world to children one simple subject at a time are everywhere. Luckily for us, someone needs to write them... …
Published on December 3, 2014
We have all been there. We have poured over websites for writers, submission directories like Writers Market, and WritersWeekly.com to find that next freelance opportunity. There are many magazines to write for, both online and off, especially now that the Internet has blossomed and bloomed, but the trouble comes in when writers try to find actual paying work... …
Published on November 25, 2014
A couple years after creating my garden service, I spent a long, dormant winter crafting and conniving an effective means of training my clientele to eventually take over my job one day. What better way to insert my opinion and unsolicited advice than a complimentary newsletter? It was brimming with the most basic, practical information... …
Published on November 19, 2014
Is it worth the effort spending two hours covering an event, two hours on the road driving, and time to write the piece? Yes, if you can write more than one article from the experience. Most periodicals want something fresh, so if you take the same theme but approach it from a different angle, you're golden... …
Published on November 12, 2014
A friend/colleague/stranger announces they have written something. A song, a story, an article for the school newspaper. And, not only have they accomplished this feat of scribtacular virtuosity, but...they want to know what you think of it. Cue the dramatic horns of horror... …
Published on November 7, 2014
Reverse sticker shock hit me at the rise of freelance blogging. Were online publishers serious about offering just $10 - 20 per article? …
Published on October 30, 2014
Unless you’ve been living under a rock since 2006, then you probably already have a Twitter…
Published on October 22, 2014
Ernest Hemingway said that it is in the editing process that most writers break down. Hemingway was ruthless in editing his own work. One biographer I read said Hemingway edited everything he wrote up to thirty times. I have taught freshman composition for many years. I tell my students that good writing is rewriting, refining, and finding those little demon typos and errors that can damage the quality of what is written. Don't be discouraged or surprised if your POD publisher encourages you to hire an editor.…
Published on October 15, 2014
We have all heard that there is a potential book within each one of us, just waiting to be written. But, what about the book that you have ALREADY written? That book could be hiding in your hard drive, ready to be copied and pasted into a folder of its own.…
Published on October 8, 2014
What encompasses more than half the battle of getting a book published? Obtaining a reputable agent. Some would argue those are kind odds about the reality of the game. I'm here to impart that it is a game, of the shell variety, a three-way chess match in which the unaware writer is the pawn...…
Published on October 2, 2014
The summer morning started with a frenzy of packing paper goods, dashing to the ATM for…