
Pitch Your Book to These National Book Clubs! By Dr. Marlene Caroselli

Pitch Your Book to These National Book Clubs! By Dr. Marlene Caroselli

Poet Don Marquis once divided the world into two types of people: those who could tell you they had just bought a package of paper napkins and make you "thrill and vibrate with the intelligence" and those who could share the secrets of the universe and yet "fail to impress you with any sense of the importance of the news."…

How My Bookstore Signings Led to a Traditional Publishing Contract and Film Consideration! By William Creed

How My Bookstore Signings Led to a Traditional Publishing Contract and Film Consideration! By William Creed

Being self-published, and trying to see your creation become successful, can be a daunting task - especially if you have no one to counsel you. I've written several books and have close to a hundred book signings under my belt. The result is a traditional publisher signed me to a multi-book contract, and these books are carried by Barnes and Noble and several other chains now. In addition, my first book is now under consideration by a film company. That's the good news.…

The Fortune is in The Follow Up! Four Ways to Land Writing Gigs from Businesses By Dorit Sasson

The Fortune is in The Follow Up! Four Ways to Land Writing Gigs from Businesses By Dorit Sasson

I look the freelance plunge five years ago when I decided to pitch magazine editors. For two years, I queried a massive number of editors only to find that that strategy wasn't adding to my monthly income goals. So I opted to pitch businesses instead who need website, copy, blogs, social media, posts, newsletters, emails, press releases, descriptions for online directories, and more. In this way, I was able to double my income. This article will give four ways you can land writing gigs for business in this competitive online environment...…

Copyright Law Basics For Fan Fiction Authors By Harvey Randall, Esq.

Copyright Law Basics For Fan Fiction Authors By Harvey Randall, Esq.

The aphorism "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" is typically attributed to Charles Caleb Colton. If Colton studied law, clearly he was absent the day "Copyright Law" was discussed. When it comes to writing, imitation is frowned upon and there are many traps and obstacles for the unwary "fan fiction" author.…

Did My Article Put FOUR Magazines Out of Business?! By Wendy Hobday Haugh

Did My Article Put FOUR Magazines Out of Business?! By Wendy Hobday Haugh

Sometimes a story is jinxed. I learned this disheartening truth after a 340-word humorous piece I submitted, describing my eldest son Henry's take on his mother's writing life, was accepted not once, not twice, but thrice by three separate magazines which, ultimately, folded before the story could ever appear in print.…

COOKING THE BOOKS? How Your Publisher Can EASILY Rip You Off! By Anonymous

COOKING THE BOOKS? How Your Publisher Can EASILY Rip You Off! By Anonymous

My book is being sold by an online bookstore, which also offers a publishing service. So, they are not only my online bookstore, but my publisher as well. There's certainly more efficiency in having the online bookstore create the books it sells. However, there's also the potential for fraud.…

How to Build Your Social Media Following FAST! By Dawn Gluskin

How to Build Your Social Media Following FAST! By Dawn Gluskin

In today's high-tech and uber-connected society, times have sure changed. You are now more likely to find details on a breaking news story on Twitter well before one of the major networks breaks it. Digital media has taken over newspapers and magazines, and long gone are the days of only the select few authors hand-picked by publishers getting book deals. Nowadays, just about anybody can self-publish in digital and/or print format.…

Use PRWeb to Get Corporate Writing Clients! By Brianna Bell

Use PRWeb to Get Corporate Writing Clients! By Brianna Bell

As a corporate blogger, I am always on the hunt for new ways to find potential clients. Have you heard about PRWeb? It's a highly visible press release service that allows companies to publish their news releases to the web.…

How to Deal With Your Clients’ TERRIBLE Ideas By Ryan Leclaire

How to Deal With Your Clients’ TERRIBLE Ideas By Ryan Leclaire

The agencies we work for tell clients we want to hear their ideas, even though these ideas are often (bleep). But, let's remember two things. First, the client probably feels like their idea is amazing and they're likely proud of it. Second, they're the ones paying the invoice. Hurting their feelings means hurting the project and your reputation. …

Revisit That Shelved Book Idea! It Might Be THE ONE!! By S. Briones Lim

Revisit That Shelved Book Idea! It Might Be THE ONE!! By S. Briones Lim

An intense love for writing can certainly breed openness to receiving ideas. Inspiration often comes out of nowhere-music, dreams, and maybe even from people-watching. The influx of ideas could be so great at times that honing in on just one may be a problem. In fact, I'd been guilty of pushing a story idea away, putting one off as if it weren't as "worthy" as the rest of them. The problem is, sometimes that shelved idea could be the one that may start it all.…

10 Paying Creative Non-fiction Markets For Writers: How To Break Into Creative Non-Fiction Writing, Including Links To Paying Markets By Flora Ojow

10 Paying Creative Non-fiction Markets For Writers: How To Break Into Creative Non-Fiction Writing, Including Links To Paying Markets By Flora Ojow

Writing from personal perspectives can be a powerful way to connect to an audience that is familiar with your story. Since writing creative nonfiction is a combination of journalistic skills and storytelling abilities, there are vast opportunities to publish your work. This involves personal memoirs, cultural criticism, documentaries, poems and literary journals.…

Writers! Attack the Devil on Your Back! by Matt Gallus

Writers! Attack the Devil on Your Back! by Matt Gallus

Writer overboard, writer overboard! Which scalawag turned him into a fish? It wasn't anyone in the crew, you say? Then who the devil thought the poor lad made a better anchor than a sailor? Ah, the compass points to the three biggest obstacles of writing income, also known as the three devils of writing. They are the most terrifying monsters to haunt the seven seas of writing and stop many a talented writer from earning the income he deserves.…

Could Saving Money be Costing Your Reputation as a Writer? (Freelance expenses you should never compromise) By Jennifer Brown Banks

Could Saving Money be Costing Your Reputation as a Writer? (Freelance expenses you should never compromise) By Jennifer Brown Banks

Six months after our initial conversation, I finally got a "complimentary" copy of the book in my hands, and couldn't wait to curl up with it and a good cup of herbal tea. When I opened the book and started to skim through it, my heart sank. Though the stories were interesting, diverse and truly moving, what captured my attention was not the quality of the essays, but the shabby presentation. …

How I Earn Extra Cash as an “Idea Broker!” (And, you can, too!) by Jennifer Brown Banks

How I Earn Extra Cash as an “Idea Broker!” (And, you can, too!) by Jennifer Brown Banks

I devised a plan to supply my services to lessen these bloggers' loads while maintaining their sanity. As an “idea person” with endless energy (not to mention a few “Top Blogging” honors for my creativity), I decided to pitch a few fellow bloggers and small business owners to help them generate ideas and keep them on track by formulating Editorial Calendars ...…

Boost Your Income by Writing Crowdfunding Campaigns! by Ian Chandler

Boost Your Income by Writing Crowdfunding Campaigns! by Ian Chandler

When you think of writing gigs, crowdfunding campaigns probably don’t come to mind. However, the crowdfunding scene is a market largely untapped by writers. If you can break into it, you can make a nice profit, and help others at the same time ...…

This Question Might Alter Your Writing Career! by Carli Brinkman

This Question Might Alter Your Writing Career! by Carli Brinkman

As writers, we notice copy. We notice it everywhere. Sometimes, we notice it because it appeals to and inspires us. But most of the time, as professionals with a great appreciation for the effective written word, we notice it because it's mediocre, or just plain bad. However, in these moments when you find yourself rewriting poorly worded copy in your head…

Book Promotion: Why Postcards Work by Kathryn Elizabeth Jones

Book Promotion: Why Postcards Work by Kathryn Elizabeth Jones

Most writers have business cards to pass out to interested readers and writers, but what about business postcards? A writer is in business, after all, not only to let others know about their latest book but to sell it as well. Investing your money in postcards becomes valuable the minute you hand one to a potential reader ...…

Eight Strategies to Boost Your Online Writing Income! by Steven King

Eight Strategies to Boost Your Online Writing Income! by Steven King

With these eight strategies you can boost your freelance career by utilizing the most effective websites and online services to become more accessible, more marketable, more widely read and with a greater chance of landing new clients to generate more money than ever before!…

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