Starting out as a fiction writer at The Writers’ Workshop at The University of Iowa in the late 80s, I never knew that I’d eventually be writing spiritual articles. My first published short story appeared in The Paris Review. With luck like that, I thought I’d be writing literary fiction for the long haul.
But then, things got tough for me. In 1991, I developed bipolar illness. This disease would lay me low. I developed agoraphobia and didn’t want to leave the house.
(My life had never been easy. I lost my father to suicide when I was 19. This event was very hard to accept, and I’ve never really gotten over it.)
In 1997, I encountered happiness. I married a terrific man who was entirely normal and who would be a helpmate for me.
Flash forward to 2005. Steve and I adopted a baby from Guatemala. But things were not easy. He was autistic. Enter more joy, but also more hardship.
And then in 2011, I developed breast cancer. I endured a double mastectomy, radiation treatment and chemotherapy.
Things were manageable for a few years, but in 2016, another form of cancer would return on my right breast.
What does all of this lifelong difficulty mean? It means that I had to rely on my religious faith to get me through the day. And, it was only a small leap to begin to write about my trials and tribulations and how God was aiding me all along the way.
My first religious article was published in 2008 in Canticle Magazine, a Catholic women’s magazine. (This magazine has since gone out of business.)
After that, I published religious pieces in WritersWeekly.com, The Liguorian Magazine, Busted Halo, Aleteia USA and Guideposts Magazine. I also have an essay forthcoming in Celebrate Life Magazine. This year alone, I’ve published twelve spiritual stories in various religious publications.
In eight years, I’ve accomplished a lot (with God’s help), but I’ve got a lot more to do.
In conclusion, I never knew I’d become a religious writer. I thought it was my destiny to write the Great American novel. But, life has a way of taking its own shape. I want to believe that God is using me to do his work.
As life brings me more trials, I’ll “digest” them and turn them into spiritual articles and essays for others just trying to get through the day on this difficult path we call life.
God willing.
I encourage you to try your hand at writing for God. Examine your life. Read the Bible–or whatever religious guide to which you aspire. Pray about it. I’m sure He will assist you.
Aleteia USA
This website is a Catholic venue.
Pay varies.
Busted Halo
This website is also a Catholic venue.
Pay varies.
This is a Christian magazine.
Pay is negotiable.
Another Catholic magazine.
Market listing courtesy of WritersWeekly.com
Pays $0.14-$0.20/word.
A Christian magazine for 20 and 30-somethings.
“Our rates vary from writer to writer based on the scope of the project and the experience of the writer.”
A magazine that focuses on the Christian family.
Pay varies.
(Also has a book publishing division!)
Spirituality & Health
A venue that covers mainstream and alternative religion and health issues.
Pay varies.
A Christian devotional magazine for teens “written by teens and by adults who love them.”
Pays $10-$25.
St. Anthony Messenger
A Catholic magazine.
Market listing courtesy of WritersWeekly.com
Pays $0.20/word.
Men of Integrity
A Christian magazine for men.
Pay varies.
The Catechist
A magazine for Catholic religious education teachers.
This publisher has 7 magazines and payments ranges from $100-$300.
Catholic Digest
The title says it all.
Pay varies.
Celebrate Life
A Catholic pro-life magazine.
Pay varies.
Christianity Today
Again, the title says it all.
Submission form: https://www.christianitytoday.com/women/help/about-us/write-for-us.html
Pay varies.
More Christian paying markets for writers:
Three Paying Christian Markets For Writers
FAITH-FULL WRITING: Expanding Into the Christian Market
Success with Inspirational and Religious Markets
Laura Yeager writes literary fiction, and nonfiction for many kinds of markets. Her nonfiction frequently appears in The Writer Magazine, bp Magazine and at thesavvygal.com. She also works as a professional blogger and speechwriter. She teaches online fiction writing at Gotham Writers’ Workshop. Laura is currently looking for an agent for a middle-grade novel series. Check out Laura Yeager’s new cancer blog at www.laurayeagercancer.blogspot.com