FIDO Friendly Magazine
P.O. Box 160
Marsing ID 83639
Website: https://www.fidofriendly.com/
Editor: Susan Sims, Publisher.
Email address: editorial-at-fidofriendly.com
About The Publication:
“FIDO Friendly is the Travel & Lifestyle magazine for you and your dog. Each issue includes hotel and destination reviews, adoption stories, health and wellness topics and the latest trends.” 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 50K. Quarterly. Pays on publication.
Pays $0.10/word.
Current Needs:
“Traveling with your dog and the experience it brings. All queries will be considered with dog travel theme.” Pays $0.10/word for 450-1200 words. Submit query/bio/samples by email.
Pays $0.10/word for 450-1200 words. Submit query/bio/samples by email.
“High-resolution images are desired and photo credit will be given.” No payment for photos.
“Please become familiar with FIDO Friendly Magazine before pitching your story. Do not write in the dog’s voice.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes