“Angela, have you seen what Amazon’s doing with their ‘buy’ buttons now?!”

Amazon is allowing resellers to "win" buy buttons on their book pages, which means some books will no longer be for sale directly through Amazon! Read more...…
Published on May 11, 2017
Amazon is allowing resellers to "win" buy buttons on their book pages, which means some books will no longer be for sale directly through Amazon! Read more...…
Published on May 4, 2017
The WritersWeekly 24-Hour Short Story Contest is in its 18th year!…
Published on April 28, 2017
Since these database errors are so prominent on Amazon, you'll see all sorts of books by unknown (and known) authors, both active and out of print, priced at out-of-this-world prices. Here's why...…
Published on April 19, 2017
It's never a good idea to keep writing more and more books for a series that isn't selling. You should take several months off from writing to promote the books you already have on the market. Here's why...…
Published on April 13, 2017
"Do you have a guess on how well my type of book would sell?"…
Published on April 4, 2017
If your publisher has already created a print cover for your book (paperback or hardcover), and if they are now trying to upsell you on ebook cover design, you're getting ripped off. Putting a cover on an ebook is as easy as copying and pasting the front cover only from the print cover file, saving it as a different file, and using that in the ebook, as well as on retailer websites, like Amazon, BarnesandNoble.com, and others.…
Published on March 28, 2017
Can you guess which large firm owns Archway Publishing?…
Published on March 21, 2017
Just because someone is in prison doesn't mean they can't, or won't, sue you. If they find out about your book, read it, and don't like what you've written about them...…
Published on March 16, 2017
Has you print on demand book suddenly been listed as "out of stock" or "unavailable" on Amazon? Or, does it now have a ridiculous lead time - like "Usually ships in 1 to 2 months?" You need to read this and you need to immediately contact your publisher...…
Published on March 7, 2017
How do I know they won't take my rights, or steal my manuscript from me altogether?…
Published on February 28, 2017
The practice of hiring "sensitivity readers" is absolutely RIDICULOUS! Books are supposed to challenge readers' thinking. They not only entertain readers, but also disturb, offend, spur people to action, expand our thinking, teach us about things, people, and societies that we would otherwise never be exposed to, and so much more! This is pre-publication censorship, plain and simple...…
Published on February 22, 2017
"I don't want to ask Tate Publishing for my files. Can I get my book to you without notifying them of my change? I don't want them to sue me. Should I ask my attorney about this?"…
Published on February 16, 2017
Q – Hi Angela, I have hundreds of blog posts on my website and I’d like…
Published on February 8, 2017
"Your stand on outsourcing to third world countries is admission of your being racist. Would you mind explaining why you detest dealing with such a huge chunk of humanity?"…
Published on February 1, 2017
"My friend and I have been collecting (bleep!) pics that men have been sending to us by text. We want to make a coffee table book out of them. How would we go about doing this?"…
Published on January 24, 2017
I'm interested in writing an anthology. …
Published on January 18, 2017
Dear Angela, (A relative of mine) wrote and self-published a book with Xlibris. She is a…
Published on January 11, 2017
I have been offered a contract by a regular publisher but, because I am not a known author, they want me to commit to purchasing copies up front for a total of $4200. I realize that they want to get all of their costs back up front but that seems kind of high to me. What do you think?…
Published on January 3, 2017
It's much easier to move a book elsewhere if a publisher has a non-exclusive contract. Unfortunately, yours does not.…
Published on December 29, 2016
“I’m looking for a publisher. How do I know I can trust you?” I receive…
Published on December 21, 2016
The answer is probably not. Here's why, from experience.…
Published on December 14, 2016
CreateSpace has put us in a very bad light with our customers now. This book was a Kickstarter campaign and we are now six months late. The complaints are coming daily.…
Published on December 7, 2016
Hi Angela, I’ve just landed my first copy editing job through your recommendation. I’m wondering whether…
Published on November 29, 2016
***There are millions of people with fascinating stories to tell. Unfortunately, many of these survival stories…
Published on November 21, 2016
Angela, A few years ago, you published an article on how to make extra holiday money…
Published on November 16, 2016
I am not sure how this happened, but ever since my new book hit the market, a different publisher has been calling my office, and sending emails.…
Published on November 9, 2016
"Physical book sales have rocketed by four million this year, fighting back against the digital revolution. Predictions, a few years ago, that the printed book would die appear to have been greatly exaggerated."…
Published on November 1, 2016
I see your claim that it is less expensive to publish with BookLocker than with CreateSpace and I don't understand why you think so. All over the Internet, information about CreateSpace makes authors think their services are free. Their homepage even says "free." What gives?…
Published on October 19, 2016
"I found a website that ripped off my book. Help! Can you get them to take it down?"…
Published on October 13, 2016
I've been approached to write and collaborate on a book of someone's life story. They've agreed to list me as the co-author, and asked what type of payment I desire. What should I charge?…