“What’s a good (and cheap) way to send my book to reviewers and buyers?”

“What’s a good (and cheap) way to send my book to reviewers and buyers?”


Can you point me to advice about the best way to mail a single copy of my book for gift, review, sales?

Plain 6×9 envelope? Bubble wrap envelope? Etc.

Any other mailing advice?


A –

I have, in the past, bought sturdy yellow envelopes (11 x 14), put my book inside, folded them in half, taped the loose sides, and stuck labels on them. They’re cheaper than bubble envelopes and doing that gives the packages some extra protection. You can ship these via first class mail, which is cheaper than priority mail. I definitely do NOT recommend using media mail as those are un-trackable, un-insurable, and prone to vanishing en route to their destination. If that happens, you won’t get any compensation from the post office whatsoever.

You can also use priority mail flat rate envelopes, which are cardboard, and free. The USPS offers flat rate priority mail envelopes and you can walk into the post office, grab a handful, along with the labels, and walk out so you can fill them out at home. You can also use your own labels, or even write the recipient’s name and address by hand on the envelope. You can buy stamps for those but you MUST drop them off at a post office (actually hand them to a clerk), or hand them to your mailperson, if the package weighs more than a pound. And, most books shipped like that do.

I have found that shipping a single copy via the US Postal Service is cheaper than using UPS. However, if you’re shipping multiple books to a single location, UPS is cheaper. Of course, Fedex and other carriers are options but, in our area at least, post office and UPS locations are more plentiful, accessible, and convenient. Of course, there are also other mailing services but those require a visit to their location.

It’s far easier to simply hand a priority mail flat rate envelope to your mailperson when he or she arrives with your mail. You can even notify them that you have a pick-up by completing the online form HERE. There is no additional charge for package pick-up.

If you are planning to sending books to reviewers, please read this before you do:

Throwing Away Your Money on Review Copies?


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