Q. –
I ordered cover design for my paperback cover. Now, my publisher is trying to convince me to buy a separate ebook cover. This doesn’t make any sense to me. I already have a cover! Am I just not understanding how the business works?
– Lisa
A. –
If your publisher has already created a print cover for your book (paperback or hardcover), and if they are now trying to upsell you on ebook cover design, you’re getting ripped off. Putting a cover on an ebook is as easy as copying and pasting the front cover only from the print cover file, saving it as a different file, and using that in the ebook, as well as on retailer websites, like Amazon, BarnesandNoble.com, and others.
Many publishers, desperate for cash since so many are going under these days, are finding very creative ways to upsell authors on completely worthless “services.” If you (or anyone reading this) ever sees something weird on their publisher’s website, or in their publisher’s correspondence, let me know. I’ll tell you if it’s a legitimate service, or if you’re about to get scammed.
Is Your Publisher Upselling You on Worthless Marketing Products and Services?
Authors Who Have Been Scammed by Publishers
WHO’S SCAMMING GRANNY? Snakes That Prey on Elderly Authors
Possible Scam – Smart Author Avoids Possible Dangerous Situation
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