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Diets are dead! If you are sick of gimmicks, pills, and potions that simply do not work, then this book is for you. This no nonsense, pull-no-punches approach to the process of weight loss is for anyone who has been burned repeatedly by fad diets and is truly ready for a change. Inside we dig into the reasons that fad diets never work and the mentality that is needed to maintain a healthy weight for life.
In Weight… Lost! Dr. Nuesse dives deep into the broken system of weight management in the developed world. He ties his own clinical experience working in weight loss with concepts from traditional philosophy and statistics on the growing health crisis we face. Together he paints a clear picture of why people struggle so desperately to lose weight and then maintain, and what specifically can be done for those who are truly sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.
About the Author
Dr. Matthew Nuesse D.C. CME has developed a unique system to help promote health throughout the communities he serves. His specialty is functional medicine, which simply means helping the body restore its function using natural methods.
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