Don’t Take Christmas Away – by Jackie Adams

Don’t Take Christmas Away – by Jackie Adams

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About the Book

What happens to the children when Christmas is taken away???

Angela lost her husband in a sudden auto accident, leaving her three children fatherless. Dory, Angela’s oldest child, is having problems distinguishing fact and fiction, because of the dreams she’s having about her daddy. Angela takes Dory to a psychiatrist, who tells Angela that Dory should stop celebrating Christmas. Is this right? Can Angela and her children actually have a year without Christmas???

Even the library bans Christmas books!!! The children’s Uncle Nick steps in and tries to get the books back, and to get Christmas back for the children. He even tries to talk the psychiatrists into saving Christmas!

Soon the psychiatrists have meetings with all of the families and tell them they should not celebrate Christmas. They explain that Santa creates a false sense of delusion in children. Can Uncle Nick stop this before Christmas disappears?

Angela worries about her brother Nick. He is single and either is working or helping her with her children. She worries about his being single until Nick gets to know the woman next door. Will they have a relationship??? Will Christmas help?

Then there’s the tale of Addy Anderson and his family. Addy Anderson comes from a poor family who lives out of their automobile. Unfortunately, they have fallen on hard times. Both parents work, but their Scrooge boss doesn’t pay them enough to be financially stable. What happens to Addy Anderson and his family when Christmas comes??? Will they be living in their car?

Read how these stories come together in a wholesome, funny, family tale that is about healing and growth.

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

About the Author

Jackie Adams is an author who lives in a small town outside of St. Louis, Missouri. She resides with her two dogs and son. Her passion is writing, and she appreciates each and every one of her readers believing in her dream.


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