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From BookLocker Best-Selling Author, Pamela Kribbe!
Messages from Jeshua on love, relationships, and heart-based masculinity.
The forbidden male is the male who does not fit into the traditional box of masculinity with its heavy emphasis on being “tough” and in control. This limiting definition of masculinity has wounded men and disconnected them from their heart and soul. This book describes the inner wound many men suffer from, and offers new ways of thinking about masculine energy in general. The basic assumption underlying the book is the idea that the human being is primarily a soul with both masculine and feminine aspects.
Healing and reshaping our thinking about masculinity affects not only individual men, but women too, as women are also in need of developing and healing their own masculine energy. The forbidden male, who jumps out of the box, brings us back to heart-based masculinity: the energy of freedom, courage and wisdom. As such, recognizing the forbidden male energy liberates both men and women and enables them to enter into mature and truly loving relationships.
Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.
About the Author
Pamela Kribbe (PhD) is a writer and therapist living in The Netherlands. She is the author of The Jeshua Channelings, which has been published in over fifteen languages. She offers workshops worldwide about the transition from ego based to heart based consciousness.
THE JESHUA CHANNELINGS: Christ consciousness in a new era
HEART CENTERED LIVING: Messages Inspired by Christ Consciousness
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