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On three hot days in early July of 1863, America stood at a crossroads. Two armies faced each other in a battle that might determine the course of the nation. Would the country that was founded with such high ideals in 1776 continue, or would it be divided, and another country be established alongside it? Much was riding on the decisions made by the Southern high command as they attempted to defeat the Union Army and threaten Washington, D.C.
This book takes the reader through the command decisions, the troop movements, and the combat action of the battle. In addition to the narrative of the battle, there are biographical sketches which tell about many of the leaders who were engaged in this struggle, offering a human side to the conflict. This war has often been described by scholars as the first modern war in history due to the advancements in weapons and ammunition. Many of those technologies are described and the implications of those advancements on the soldiers involved.
Gettysburg is remembered as a pivotal battle in the Civil War, a war that pitted brother against brother, friend against friend, neighbor against neighbor.
Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.
Daniel P. Bricker, Ph.D., now retired, spent most of his adult life in education: he taught high school for seven years, twenty-three years at the college level, and two years in a graduate program. In addition to this study of the battle of Gettysburg, he has published one other book and several articles and book reviews in peer-reviewed academic journals. Other interests include football, baseball, softball, volleyball, and dogs. He resides with his wonderful wife and enjoys family activities and travels.
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