

“CURVE, the nation’s best-selling lesbian magazine, reaches nearly a quarter-million readers each issue and 500,000 online. Savvy, hip and intelligent, CURVE magazine presents the latest in film, pop culture, politics, fashion, travel, automotive, home entertainment, technology and health. Our celebrity interviews, news, style, social issues and reviews have helped CURVE achieve a level of prominence that has kept us in the spotlight for over 20 years.” 40% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 2-3 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. Accepts some reprints. Responds within two weeks.

Pays $0.15-$0.20/word for 200-2500 words.

Vestal Review

Vestal Review

“Launched in March of 2000, Vestal Review is the world’s oldest magazine dedicated exclusively to flash fiction.” Welcomes new writers. Bi-annual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-4 months after acceptance. Buys First N.A. serial rights. No reprints. Responds within 3 months.

Pays $25 flat fee for 10-500 words and $100 for the annual VERA award.

Colorado Homes & Lifestyles

Colorado Homes & Lifestyles

“Colorado Homes & Lifestyles is your premier source for the best in Colorado architecture, interior design and real estate, as well as the latest home products, events and word on some of the state’s most fascinating people.” 80% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Guidelines available by mail with SASE.

Pays $300-$450.



“DIALOGUE is an international news magazine written by and for people who are experiencing vision loss or who are blind. It is published by the nonprofit organization Blindskills, Inc., based in Oregon. The magazine’s purpose is to encourage and facilitate independent living. It provides a wealth of useful information and hints to make life easier. Many topics are covered including finding transportation, starting a career, managing illness, traveling, participating in sports, accessing computers, and adapting the home environment. DIALOGUE reviews low vision aids and devices, provides tips on coping with vision loss, and interviews professionals in the field.” 25% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within six months. Buys first NA serial rights. Accepts some reprints. Responds one week.

Pays $15-$35.

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