Susquehanna Life Magazine
217 Market Street
Lewisburg PA 17837
Website: http://www.SusquehannaLife.com
Guidelines: http://www.susquehannalife.com/pages/contact-us
Email address: ericasusquehannalife@gmail.com
About The Publication:
“Susquehanna Life is a quarterly, four-color, glossy feature-oriented publication with an active, upscale audience evenly divided between males and females ages 38+. Articles take a unique and positive look at a variety of aspects of life in Central Pennsylvania and provide readers with information about places to go, things to do and history. We strive to provide information that is unique and unusual. The most frequent compliment we receive from readers: ‘I’ve lived here all my life and I never knew that until I read it in Susquehanna Life magazine.’” Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Buys all rights. No reprints. Pays within 2 weeks of publication.
Payment $75-$150 for full-length articles of approx. 850 words
Current Needs:
“Queries or full-length manuscripts accepted via mail or email ericasusquehannalife@gmail.com. No telephone queries. Enclose a SASE. Final submissions: via email as an attachment in Word format, in Times Roman 12 point type, (with no formatting codes).”
Payment $75-$150 for full-length articles of approx. 850 words.
$75-$150 for full-length articles of approx. 850 words.
“High-quality existing original photography: $20 each; On assignment – $40/hour with maximum of 2 ½ hours per shoot; existing photos used for cover $100-$150.”
“Familiarity with the magazine is a must. Don’t query on topics we’ve already covered! No topic is off limits, as long as it is interesting, positive, unique and centers in or around our circulation area. A large percentage of SL subscribers are Pennsylvania residents, but the magazine is also read by visitors to the region, people thinking of relocating or retiring here, and former residents.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes