Letters To The Editor For January 25th

From Another Janet Kay & Associates Victim

Dear Angela Hoy,

Thank you for your wonderful newsletter. I’m a victim of Janet Kay. For six months in 2000 I paid her $350.00. Then she drop off the edge of the earth. I was so innocent. I didn’t even know I was taken until your articles appeared. Thank you.

I feel for all the other authors, but let me say this. I continued writing even though I was feeling really low about my agent ignoring me.

In February 2005, my first book was published and I now have a second and third one coming out. I just signed a contract for it to be written into a screenplay for five one hour TV specials, So to all those authors, please don’t allow anyone to get you off track. Stay in there. It’s your dream and someone somewhere wants to read what you have written.

There are those who prey on us first timers and there are those who are here to help us. Just don’t give up looking or your dream will die…

Thank you,
Leon Mentzer,
Author “Just When You Think You All Alone”

Advice on Writing for Non-Profits

Hi Ang,

Regarding Writing for Non-Profits for Free, below is a tip for writers who donate time or pro-bono writing services to non-profits that I don’t mind you sharing with your reader friends.

1) Itemize all writing services
2) Total services
3) Under amount due, write “No Charge”

This helps demonstrate the value of your professional writing services. If the organization wants to use the writer again they’ll have an indication of what they are expected to pay.

Sonya Carmichael
WritersWeekly.com Instructor
Get Published. Get Paid. Marketing Bootcamp for Writers

Hi Angela,

While no one should feel obliged to donate professional services to not-for-profits (and a few probably DO prey on the self-esteem issues of freelancers), there are times when we wish on a personal level to donate professional services just as we would donate time, money, clothing, etc. In the rare cases where I’ve done so, I’ve always asked for (and received) a receipt for the financial value of my in-kind contribution. Depending on your itemization situation, it can come in handy at tax time, just as if you’d whipped out your checkbook.

The organization benefits, too, as they may be able to count in-kind contributions toward matching grants and other important numbers they must maintain.

As always, consult your tax professional.

Bonnie Gibbons