“Criminal” Justice
She called the man who sexually assaulted her a rapist. Then he sued her for defamation.
“Just when Xiong thought it was over, it seemed like it was starting again. Xiong, now 24, was sued for defamation by her attacker, Lang Her, 26, who claimed that she and her siblings tarnished his reputation when they called him a rapist online in reference to the assault…”
Creator of Copyrighted Work Must Prove Intent
Ninth Circuit Provides a Second Look at Willful Copyright Infringement **WEB ONLY**
“Under the Copyright Act, the copyright owner has the burden of proving willful infringement. The amount of damages that a plaintiff may recover for infringement depends on whether the infringement was committed willfully, i.e., through intentional or reckless behavior, or through willful blindness to the copyright holder’s rights. ”
Do you want others to point out your work….or don’t you?
European Court Rules That Hyperlinking May Constitute Copyright Infringement
“The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that, in certain circumstances, the act of posting a hyperlink to copyrighted works without the author’s consent may constitute copyright infringement. The crucial test may be the degree of knowledge of the infringing nature of the linked material: and the court ruled that such knowledge would be presumed if the link-poster stands to make a financial gain from posting the links.”
Isn’t College Supposed to be Where You Get to Hear All Different Viewpoints?
Free Speech Under Threat on Campuses
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Writing FAST: How to Write Anything with Lightning Speed

A systematic approach to writing that generates better quality quickly!
Chock full of ideas, tips, techniques and inspiration, this down-to-earth book is easy to read, and even easier to apply. Let author Jeff Bollow take you through a process that brings your ideas to the page faster, more powerfully and easier than ever before.
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The Art and Craft of Writing and Editing

Writing is a constant dialogue between author and reader.
The craft of writing involves an interchange of emotions between an author and a reader. An author creates a story line, conflict, and characters, gives his characters words to speak, and then hands off these materials to a reader. This process results in a constant dialogue between the mental imagery produced by a reader and that proposed by the author.
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