Australia State Aims to Sue Author for Fake Cancer Cure Diet
“Australian author and blogger Belle Gibson faces a possible government lawsuit after admitting that she lied about beating a normally deadly brain tumor through healthy eating and natural therapies, officials said on Friday.”
A difficult-to-beat copyright infringer
Piracy site for academic journals playing game of domain-name Whac-A-Mole
“Because of the lawsuit, which Sci-Hub founder Alexandra Elbakyan has refused to participate in, she’s been engaged in a game of domain-name Whac-A-Mole in response to Elsevier winning court orders demanding the shuttering of the popular site’s domain name. The site allows anybody, not just academics, to access tens of millions of scholastic research articles for free.”
Who’s downloading pirated papers? Everyone
This lawsuit was absurd!
Judge dismisses lawsuit filed by UofL students against Katina Powell and publisher
“A Jefferson Circuit Court judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by University of Louisville students against Katina Powell and her publisher, which claimed Powell’s book, ‘Breaking Cardinal Rules: Basketball and the Escort Queen,’ has damaged the value of a degree from the school.”
The Art and Craft of Writing and Editing

Writing is a constant dialogue between author and reader.
The craft of writing involves an interchange of emotions between an author and a reader. An author creates a story line, conflict, and characters, gives his characters words to speak, and then hands off these materials to a reader. This process results in a constant dialogue between the mental imagery produced by a reader and that proposed by the author.
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Good to know! Thank you!