Whispers and Warnings For 04/29/2016

Whispers and Warnings For 04/29/2016

This is NOT surprising at all!
Traditional Publishing: A Maze; Self-publishing: Amazing
“I have fought dragons and won; from now on please call me St Georgette. The vanquished fire breathing monster in question is the publishing industry, which waits, crouched, ready to swallow up, or at least badly singe, many would-be heroes.”

Rent is soaring everywhere, not just for bookstores
New Report Examines the Problem of High Bookstore Rents
“New Report Examines the Problem of High Bookstore Rents. As a number of booksellers know first hand in urban areas from New York City to San Francisco, rents have begun soaring.”

What a shmuck!
Judge: Bill Cosby cannot get magazine reporters’ notes
“Subpoena request ‘bordered on frivolous.'”

I would LOVE to see Scientology be forced open up their records and books!
Father’s memoir spurs Scientology leader David Miscavige to threaten lawsuit
“The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is looking to stop the publication of a new tell-all memoir written by his father Ron Miscavige.”

The Art and Craft of Writing and Editing

Writing is a constant dialogue between author and reader.

The craft of writing involves an interchange of emotions between an author and a reader. An author creates a story line, conflict, and characters, gives his characters words to speak, and then hands off these materials to a reader. This process results in a constant dialogue between the mental imagery produced by a reader and that proposed by the author.

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