I researched a lot of publishers before deciding on Booklocker. The reason Booklocker was the publisher I selected for my self-published books was because they weren’t offering to do very much for me.
What? Sounds strange, right?
Let me explain…
Most publishers offer to do everything under the sun to help you get your book published. They’ll read it, edit it, format it, market it, design the cover, and even offer to set up book signings for you. They’ll try to sell you ads in magazines that won’t result in any book sales, they’ll try to get you to pay for a screenplay (your book is NOT going to get made into a movie no matter how much they try to convince you it will), and so much more.
The problem is that they’ll also take a year to publish it, control the way it’s distributed, and charge you a boatload of money for all their services. And, most of those services are worthless. But that won’t stop their sales people from contacting you repeatedly, trying to get you to send them more and more money.
They’ll try to sell you all the “bells and whistles”, but I’m not really a “bells and whistles” kind of guy.
Think about this. Where do those types of publishers make most of their money? It’s not through book sales. It’s through those extraneous services. Put simply, they profit not from selling books, but from upselling authors on those services. They do all this up-front before you even know if your book will make enough of a profit for you to get back all your money.
Do you think your writing skills are outstanding? If ‘yes’, why do you need to pay for an editor? (And, many of those publishers offering editing services claim all rights to the author’s edited file!) Do you think people will want to buy and read your book? If ‘yes’, why do you need someone else to market it for you? (BookLocker gives two different book marketing books to all of their authors for free!) Are you excited to get your book published as soon as possible? If ‘yes,’ then why would you want to wait almost a year to do that? (BookLocker gets a book to market within a month.)
If your answer to all these questions is ‘no’, then by all means go ahead and pay a huge amount of your hard-earned money for a publisher to do all that for you. But, keep in mind that, once it’s published, if it doesn’t sell, you won’t get back the money you spent on those services your publisher upsold you on. And, that greedy publisher won’t care if it sells because they already got the thousands of dollars you paid them.
Then there’s Booklocker. They’ll publish your book for a very low cost, and they’ll do it fast. They offer the services you need, but not ones you don’t.
Why wouldn’t you want control of your own hard work? Why wouldn’t you want to make sure it’s edited and formatted the way you envisioned, set up book-signings where you want them to be, get your book published fast, and market your book to the audience you’re most familiar with?
Sure…it’s a lot of work on your part, but trust me, it pays off!
I’ve made thousands of dollars from the three books I published through Booklocker.
All Booklocker did was publish my books fast, for a fair price, and they then supported me through the whole process by giving me the tools I needed to be successful on my own.
Booklocker didn’t try to sell me all the “bells and whistles” like other publishers, and for me, that sure paid off!
- Yet Another “Publisher” is Telling Authors This Specific, Bald-faced Lie
- Authors Are Moving to BookLocker After Amazon KDP Randomly Terminated Their Accounts
- Is YOUR BOOK at Risk?! List of 27 Publishers Who Bit the Dust…and WHY
- Why BookLocker is the Best Book Publisher for New Authors – by Rickey Pittman
- “WHY WON’T YOU PUBLISH MY BOOK FOR FREE?” – A Behind the Scenes Look at a Publisher’s Expenses
- After I Rejected Offers from Academic Publishers, I’m SO GLAD I Found BookLocker! – by Marianna Busching
Gary Sturgis survived the greatest loss of his life and now works as a Grief Specialist, Bereavement Facilitator and Speaker, guiding and supporting others in their struggle with grief. He finds it an honor to help those that are grieving a loss navigate their way through the maze of grief in a very personal and meaningful way. He lives by the ocean in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
HowMaster: The Writer's Guide to Beautiful Word Crafting

Author Linda M. Gigliotti draws from years of practice as a private
writing tutor in the guidebook that teaches writers how to format visceral
writing that pulls readers into their book. She explains with instruction
and samples of published works how to craft writing that come to life in the reader's mind.
HowMaster is a wise choice for the writer who wants to weave words around the reader’s heart.
Author Linda M. Gigliotti draws from years of practice as a private
writing tutor in the guidebook that teaches writers how to format visceral
writing that pulls readers into their book. She explains with instruction
and samples of published works how to craft writing that come to life in the reader's mind.
Read more here:
My second memoir is finished, i.e., edited, covers chosen, ISBN,… I’m ready for a final review and printing.
What will it cost me? Will you place it on Amazon like my first book?
Paul Pritchard
Hi Paul,
Our publishing packages and prices are here:
Our print books are listed on Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, Walmart.com, Target.com, BookLocker.com, booksamillion.com, Chapters.ca and numerous other stores, both domestic and foreign. Any bookstore with an Ingram account (Ingram is the world’s largest book distributor) can pick up Ingram’s feed, so you’ll find your book listed in stores you’ve never heard of. While all of these stores currently add our books automatically, and have never refused to add one of our books, we can’t guarantee that every book will be added by all of Ingram’s bookstore clients, nor that any of their clients will continue to list/sell a particular book for eternity. Nobody can guarantee that.
Most bookstores use Ingram’s database to find and order books so bookstore customers can ask their neighborhood bookstore to order your book as well. If you use a Booklocker.com ISBN, your book will also be listed in Bowker’s database. Some (but not many) bookstores use that to find a publisher’s contact info. for direct ordering.
For authors ordering Booklocker’s eBook Conversion and Distribution Service (the Basic ebook service is included in all packages except the DIY one), we distribute those to Amazon (for the Kindle), BarnesandNoble.com (for the Nook), Apple (for iPads, iPods, Kobo (Canada’s largest ebook distributor), Overdrive (which sells ebooks to thousands of schools and libraries worldwide), and Google Play, which has wider distribution for ebook sales than Amazon.