Use PRWeb to Get Corporate Writing Clients! By Brianna Bell

Use PRWeb to Get Corporate Writing Clients! By Brianna Bell

As a corporate blogger, I am always on the hunt for new ways to find potential clients. Have you heard about PRWeb? It’s a highly visible press release service that allows companies to publish their news releases to the web.

How is this relevant to a corporate blogger or freelance writer?

I now have access to thousands of companies within the industries that I write for.

How does it work?

Sign up as a member of the media

Register on PRWeb as a member of the media, and select the various industries that you are interested in. From Education to Tech – you can select as many industries as you’d like.

Review Daily E-mails

Each day, PRWeb will send you an e-mail with a list of their daily press releases. It’s up to you whether you go through your e-mails daily, or only select a few days a week to review. Look for press releases that are poorly written, or connect with companies that don’t have a blog on their website. Use the e-mail list as a tool to connect with potential clients, and offer your writing services.

Use PRWeb’s Search

If you don’t have the time to go through e-mails every day, consider searching for relevant keywords in the PRWeb search engine. For example, if you’re looking to write for real estate agents, type in “real estate.” Read the most recent press releases, and check out the websites for the companies listed. Do these companies have neglected blogs, poor copy, or no blog at all? Connect with them, and offer your services.

Make sure to connect with the right people

Often with PRWeb, it can be difficult to find the right person to connect with. I typically try and find the individual in charge of marketing, online content, or if it’s a smaller company, the CEO. This is where using having a LinkedIn profile to connect and find the right person is helpful.

After only using PRWeb for a few weeks I have already experienced success, and have found new clients. I love the fact that I don’t have to fight others for the chance at a job. Instead, I use PRWeb to create my own jobs, and fulfill the needs of my clients. Many of the companies that I have personally approached comment that they have been looking for a freelance writer, or thinking about hiring someone, but just didn’t know where to start.

Lesson learned?

There are many opportunities out there for corporate writers. Sometimes, we need to just make the first move.

Brianna Bell is a freelance and corporate blogger living in Canada. She is passionate about sharing the importance of monetizing your writing career, and hates to see people get paid in “exposure”. Find her sharing free writing advice at Write For Money, her microblog.