5 Ways I Increased My Freelance Writing Pitch Success Rate to 50%! (No, That’s NOT a Typo!) – by Christine Seifert

I was able to increase my own success rate from an embarrassing 7% to 50%. Here’s how I did it.
I was able to increase my own success rate from an embarrassing 7% to 50%. Here’s how I did it.
These passive income streams may need work in the beginning stages but they can pay off in the long run. Passive income is the true definition of “making money while you sleep.”
Anniversaries became a theme for my writing. I was able to find a local angle for each one, and write and sell a story about each to local newspapers.
Academic writing can be a lucrative income generator. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of this writing genre.
If you want to give your journalistic work more credibility, AND increase your freelance income, find professional sources to back up your facts. Here’s how!
Does your child have some or all of these 9 entrepreneurial characteristics?
Here’s super-easy way to turn your posts into a book.
With the explosion of the Internet, and subsequent globalization of the market, writers have an overwhelming quantity of markets to approach!
Unique Web Copy This firm received plenty of responses and is no longer seeking writers. Phone: Fax: Website: Guidelines: Editor: Email address: About The Publication: Current Needs: Photos/Art: Hints: Welcomes New Writers: Yes
Promoting our own books is hard work. For many writers, promotion feels unnatural, perhaps tacky, and even a little tainted. However, I was able to develop several useful promotional skills while working for a small publisher promoting their latest release, and you can do the same!