diversify your writing income

We Told Them NOT to Write about THIS…So They Wrote About THAT! Topic, Common Themes, and Winners of the WritersWeekly.com FALL, 2019 24-Hour Short Story Contest!

We Told Them NOT to Write about THIS…So They Wrote About THAT! Topic, Common Themes, and Winners of the WritersWeekly.com FALL, 2019 24-Hour Short Story Contest!

Children catching falling sugar maple leaves, a cold, dangerous river, a protective mother…and a toothless man with a dripping red shirt… You’re going to LOVE the winning stories for the Fall 24-Hour Short Story Contest! DO NOT MISS THE FIRST PLACE WINNER! IT’S AWESOME!!

Purpose Magazine

Purpose Magazine

“Purpose is a magazine of everyday inspiration with a focus on personal, true stories of Christian living that inspire and encourage older youth and adult believers wherever they may be on their journey of faith.” Welcomes new writers. Monthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 7 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. “All manuscripts must be submitted for one of our designated themes, and response time is generally 4-6 weeks after the deadline for that particular theme.”

Pays $30-$50

Wouldn’t You LOVE to Get Paid to Write for WritersWeekly? We’ve added a new column!

Wouldn’t You LOVE to Get Paid to Write for WritersWeekly? We’ve added a new column!

We are stirring things up here at WritersWeekly! Whoo hoo!! 1. The Success Story column has been replaced by our new Marketing Secrets column. Have you found a unique way to promote your freelance writing business or your book? We’d love to hear about it! See details by clicking on our guidelines link below. We […]

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