How to Make Money Writing Resumes By Jessy Faraday

How to Make Money Writing Resumes By Jessy Faraday

There’s a fine line between writing a resume on your own, and getting it written by a resume expert. Here’s the proof: Research reveals that job seekers with professionally written resumes were 32% more likely to get the job as compared to those who wrote their resumes on their own.

This is one of the reasons why job seekers want to make sure their resumes stand out from others. So, there’s good news for all freelance writers out there: Job seekers are your new clients! If you are an expert in resume writing who knows how to write targeted, ATS-friendly, and keyword-focused resumes, you can easily make money out of this skill.

How much you can earn by writing resumes?
Depending on the number of writing opportunities, resume writers can earn around $52000 per year, according to Glassdoor. This pay range is definitely impressive! Of course, you can agree to lower rates in the beginning. But, as you gain experience and positive testimonials, you can charge higher rates for writing complex resumes.

Websites that pay for resume writing

Specific websites hire freelance writers to write resumes for their clients. All you need to do is apply to these websites:

TopStack Resume: They give freedom to resume writers to directly interact with clients via email. Potential earnings range from $3000 to $6000 per month (for full-time resume writers) and $1500 to $3000 per month for part-time resume writers.

City CV: They are looking for resume writers who can commit to fifteen hours/week. However, the perks are great: flexible hours, detailed training, and the pay range can go as high as £40,000 per annum.

Resume Perk: Though not publicly specified, they offer high compensation rates to resume writers. They promise career growth and meaningful work to those with at least two years of resume writing experience.

Let’s Eat, Grandma: They require freelance writers to commit to two projects in a week. They disclose their pay rates to shortlisted candidates only. Here’s what makes them worthwhile: They award weekly bonuses to resume writers who receive positive client reviews. And, they offer incremental compensation depending on the number of projects completed.

DoMyResume.Net: They require certified resume writers who can write comprehensive and ATS-optimized resumes for job seekers. Their pay rates range between $30 and $60 per hour but the compensation can go up based on your performance.

Freelance marketplaces that offer resume-writing jobs
Setting up an account in a freelance marketplace is another way to approach job seekers who are looking for resume writers to build or upgrade their resume. Luckily, you’ve got plenty of options:

Joining Fiverr is just like setting up your “online shop” where you’ll sell your resume writing services. This is a great option to win your first client if you’re just starting out. List your gig, set a price, and wait for job seekers to contact you via this platform. You can begin pricing your resume writing service from as low as $5 to as high as $50 (depending on your expertise and experience).

Upwork matches resume writers with job seekers. Once you’ve joined this platform, you can find resume-writing jobs, and submit proposals to relevant clients. Depending on the client’s requirements, you can either work for an hourly rate or a fixed rate. The price range for resume writers starts from $20 and might go as high as $200.

People Per Hour
It has a resume-specific section that makes it easier for resume writers to submit proposals to jobs posted by various clients. Offered pay rates for each project may range from $20 to $120. The benefit? You can directly negotiate your pricing with clients.

How to approach people who are clueless about writing their own resume
The world of job seekers is huge. Besides using resume writing agencies and freelance marketplaces, you can approach hundreds or even thousands of job seekers online.

Wondering how?
Here’s a practical tip: Organize a 30-minute resume writing webinar for university students, recent graduates, and entry-level professionals. You can place an ad on Facebook to reach them. You can teach them how to build a targeted resume during the webinar. At the end of the webinar, you can offer your resume writing services to them at a set price. There’s a high chance that a majority of graduating students might be interested in getting their first resume written by you.

Once you’ve been successful, it’s a good idea to continuously work on scheduling webinars for a similar audience. It will eventually lead you to increasing your pricing as you gain experience.

The takeaway
The resume writing industry is evolving rapidly. That said, you need to stay competitive in this niche to win more clients. You can do this easily by getting yourself abreast with the latest ATS-friendly resume trends. Once you know you have aced the resume-writing industry, it’s time to confidently offer your flawless resume-writing services to the entire world of job seekers!

Jessy Faraday believes that words can influence people, decisions, directions, and above all: the readers! With the passion to explore writing opportunities, she feels joy in discovering the writing landscapes. She loves to be on the hunt to make her freelancing career remarkable so others can also be inspired.

3 Responses to "How to Make Money Writing Resumes By Jessy Faraday"

  1. Barbara Martin  March 31, 2024 at 10:07 am

    Definition of ATS, please.

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of  April 1, 2024 at 12:11 pm

      The first mention of ATS in the article is linked to a page that explains it. 🙂


      • Barbara Martin  April 1, 2024 at 5:39 pm

        Okay. I thought that was a strike-though, not a link. Application Tracking System, Got it, Thanks.