How to Get Social Media Influencers to Promote Your Book

Whether you like social media influencers or not (I do not), the allure of their numbers of followers has not been ignored by marketing firms…
Whether you like social media influencers or not (I do not), the allure of their numbers of followers has not been ignored by marketing firms…
Ah, “hybrid.” Such a cool sounding word, right? But…
You can make strategic efforts to position yourselves for freelance opportunities.
We’ve heard of family members suing authors for what was written, even when names were changed.
Something that really gets my goat is when people pretend to be stupid in order to take advantage of me in some way. After being in business for 23 years, I’ve seen my share of Faux Ignoramuses…
One misconception about the writing business is that we’re fighting each other over precious few positions. As a freelancer, I can assure you there is a ton of work out there in a lot of different markets…
I was very interested in one podcast series but the narrator’s voice had a twangy tone that reminded me of a screechingly bad note on my guitar…
Times are tough, sure, but the COVID-19 pandemic has given me the opportunity to redirect the focus of my writing career from larger to smaller publications. In doing so, I’ve gained far more than I ever expected!
“I recently retrieved my dusty copy of (the author’s) original synopsis and first chapters I produced and decided I wanted to continue to make it into book. I have tried to contact the originator by letter and email…”
It took three years to create the screenplay, but only three weeks to complete the novel.