“I’m willing to pay someone to promote my book…but who should I hire?”

“I’m getting a lot emails from book promotion sites. Are these legitimate sites? Do they really help sell books? Are they worth the money?”
“I’m getting a lot emails from book promotion sites. Are these legitimate sites? Do they really help sell books? Are they worth the money?”
Why in the world would an author PAY people to read his or her book rather than the other way around?!?! I’m having a hard time trying to think of a worse book review deal for authors!
Q – Hi Angela If I decide to publish my memoir, what’s the bottom line on 1400 pages? Can it fit into one paperback volume? D.S. A – At BookLocker, our limit is 1,050 pages but I wouldn’t recommend a book that large. It would be very cumbersome for readers to hold while reading, and […]
What your designer did was a complete waste of money.
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Sometimes competitors and others test BookLocker.com to see if we really do screen manuscripts that we’re considering for publication. Yes, we absolutely do! We rejected the poetry book written by the dog of an author. That was memorable. There was the…
“I want to include scans of newspaper articles in my book. Since my book is non-fiction, will the educational exception to copyright law apply?”
MORE: Parenting book author accused of abandoning “11-year-old” adopted daughter…but is she really 11?; Author accused of plagiarizing AND quoting sources that don’t exist?; EU says re-selling ebooks is illegal; Feds sue Snowden over his memoir; Editorial cartoons finding new life online; Google ranking sites featuring syndicated content over original publisher’s links?; Librarians are ANGRY about delayed ebook publication by publishers.
“I wanted to forward this to you and get your perspective on it. I have received a number of emails from people wanting to “market” my book, but…”
Not sure how to notify potential readers that their purchase will benefit a specific charity? Angela has ya covered!