promoting your writing

Simple Ways to Grow Your Market Share By Susan Sundwall

We’re used to hearing the term in relation to finances with visions of bulls and bears dancing in our heads. But, let’s expand our definition of market share a little bit. Once you’ve cornered your niche market, figured out what what your readers love, and capitalized on it, you nonetheless should be exercising a flexibility that leads to growth. Think hard on the following points…

TANTALIZING SUBJECT LINES! How to Make Almost Anyone Open and Read Your Email/Blog/Article

TANTALIZING SUBJECT LINES! How to Make Almost Anyone Open and Read Your Email/Blog/Article

As the owner of and, writers and authors frequently add me to email notifications they send out when they update their website or blog. I’m happy to receive these and I often find interesting and intriguing tidbits in these individuals’ posts. Unfortunately, some of them have great blog posts or website articles but very boring email notifications so nobody opens them…

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