After I had gained a portfolio of work through freelance sites, I wanted to further develop my writing career. For me, the most obvious approach to this was through a mix of agencies.
The advantage of agencies is that they’ll find the clients based on your expertise/experience. This significantly reduces the time needed to look for repeat clients when first going out on your own.
My Approach
Finding agency work was easier than I imagined, and it was made simpler with some organization and research.
First, I drew up a list of SEO, digital marketing, PR and design agencies. Rather than message them straight away, I checked the ‘services’ pages, as some digital marketing and SEO agencies don’t offer writing services. Next, I took my time to look at the type of clients they worked with, and then narrowed down a list of the agencies I felt would be a good ‘fit.’
I used the ‘about,’ ‘media,’ or ‘team’ pages to find out the CEO’s name, or if they had a content manager. If they had a content manager, then I addressed my emails to them, as queries will often get passed to them.
I knew pitching was a numbers game so, when I first started, I sent out up to 30 emails a day. However, this approach wasn’t hugely successful so I changed my strategy, concentrating on quality instead of quantity. I also made sure my pitches were more tailored, and better suited to each agency.
To do this, I took a closer look at the agencies to assess their potential content needs, the type of content they produced, and the content their clients used. I then targeted my work samples, and adapted my letter of intent so they were a better fit with each agency/client.
This drastically increased my success rate in terms of responses, and was the most effective at landing me work. My first success was being offered $45 a blog post, which bolstered my confidence.
My next aim was to land higher paying work, which meant further streamlining my list of agencies. I narrowed down companies with the highest revenue. If I couldn’t find company revenue, then I went by company size.
Soon, I was being offered $100 blog posts, and $750 projects, which bolstered my confidence further.
The Next Step
My work with agencies gave me a list of big name client names that I could add to my resume, which would make a better impression when I started to direct email businesses.
In addition, getting a glimpse into how agencies work, and finding out more about the information gathering stage, etc. gave me a valuable insight into working with clients, and striking out on my own.
- How I Conquered the “Feast or Famine” Freelance Cycle Using the 3 R’s! by Jennifer Brown Banks
- You WILL Occasionally Face Famine as a Writer – Here’s What to Do When It Happens – by Ingrid Cruz
- Good Leads = Article Sales By Kristine Hansen
- A Personal Blog Leads to Professional Opportunities By Virginia Williams
- How I Got Steady Freelance Writing Work By Going the Extra Mile – by Ann Jamieson
Jane Fazackarley is a freelance writer with a special interest in health, small business and fashion. Her debut novel, Then He Left Me, is available on Amazon.

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QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments

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Also includes:
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- Sample phone query from Christine Greeley
- The Six Golden Rules of Queries and Submissions...and How I Broke Them! by Bob Freiday
- Your Rights As a "Freelancer"
- and ANGELA HOY'S SECRET for finding ongoing freelance work from companies that have a stable of freelancers, yet never run ads for them!