Published on February 1, 2019
legal, libel
1st Lady Settles Suit, Printing Plant Goes to Pot, Media Layoffs, VPNs Targeted, Congresswoman Deletes Tweets, Apple Privacy Bug, Publisher Sued by Printer for $15M; Teens Robbing Newsstands in NY
Published on December 20, 2018
author scams, legal, Literary Agents, traditional publishing, writing scams
It feels like we’ve been watching an episode of American Publishing’s Most Wanted. Not many news stories have had me fired up as much as this one!
Published on November 14, 2018
legal, Royalties, self-publishing
I hated to be snarky (actually, I didn’t hate it that much) but I had to tell her that…
Published on November 13, 2018
copyrights, legal
“My friend left his book rights to me via an email message, and verbally. The estate claims it belongs to them. What do you think?”
Published on August 30, 2018
amazon, copyrights, createspace complaints, legal, tate
Amazon kills CreateSpace, forces authors to KDP Print – and people are UPSET!; Tate Publishing owners – will they EVER go to trial?; TrueLine Publishing employees claims she was drugged at Christmas Party; and more juicy stories!
Published on August 23, 2018
author, copyrights, legal, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, writing career advice
Authors often think they can use emails from readers for marketing purposes without asking permission.
Published on August 16, 2018
author, author scams, copyrights, legal, self-publishing
Did the cousin, who is now deceased, do this on purpose? And, what recourse does the co-author have?
Published on August 16, 2018
amazon, copyrights, legal
Authors claim Amazon banned all of their books for “no reason” * Book pirates call authors “elitists” after website gets shut down * Public figure being scrutinized after writing tell-all book * Subpoena by Tweet! * “Fair Use” Battles * Judge blasts newspaper for publishing legally obtained info.
Published on August 9, 2018
copyrights, legal, self-publishing
Old yearbook photographers could seriously get into the litigation business with all of the copyright infringement occurring online right now!!
Published on April 26, 2018
copyrights, legal, writing career advice
Can you pull short stories from the Internet and include them in your book? NO!