
Does My Non-fiction Book REALLY Need a Disclaimer?

Does My Non-fiction Book REALLY Need a Disclaimer?

My publisher inserted a disclaimer in my book. I got upset and asked that it be removed. They refused. I don’t understand why I have to admit to readers that I’m not a licensed financial advisor …

Help! I Can’t Find The Copyright Owner Of This Piece But I Need To Use It!

Help! I Can’t Find The Copyright Owner Of This Piece But I Need To Use It!

I want to write a book and it would feature an old story from a 1956 periodical. I have been trying to get a copyright permission to include this short story. However, the publisher was bought out a couple times. The new company put me on hold while they searched their records further, and told me that the “rightful owners” are a completely different firm in New York. I cannot find them on the Internet to contact them to get the needed copyright permission so that I can proceed with my book.