Published on April 12, 2018

‘Boy Who Came Back From Heaven’ now sues publisher * “Pro Nazi” publisher sued in Poland * California lawmaker wants to trample free speech * WriterBeware threatened with legal action? * Internet Archives’ alleged copyright infringement
Published on April 5, 2018
legal, self-publishing

Libel, defamation, invasion of privacy, stress, and LEGAL FEES. Is writing a tell-all book about a public figure financially (and morally) worth it in the end?
Published on February 22, 2018
legal, self-publishing

I re-wrote my book under a pen name, and asked my publisher to have the old version removed from the Internet, but to no avail…
Published on January 18, 2017

I get very angry when I see people trying to bully others when it appears they have no legal standing on the issue.
Published on December 21, 2016

If someone purchases a photo from a reputable stock agency, they are NOT permitted to use that photo in any way they choose.
Published on December 14, 2016
legal, writing tips

[This article is for information purposes and it is not intended to serve as legal advice.] You have received and sent a lot of letters and e-mails over the years and are thinking of including some of them in your new book. Indeed, you may be considering using such correspondence in a biography relating your […]
Published on November 29, 2016

***There are millions of people with fascinating stories to tell. Unfortunately, many of these survival stories deal with abuse. I receive numerous emails like this one each year. The email below has been anonymized by me. The actual facts revealed in the email were horrific. ~~~ Hi Angela, I would love to be able to […]
Published on September 29, 2016

I am still working to get my illustrations for my book. Can you advise on something I was told by my illustrator? She told me that most photos copied from the Internet can be flipped horizontally to alleviate concerns of copyright infringement. For example if a mountain appears on the left side of the photograph, flip the photo so the mountain is on the right side. I also wonder if applying artistic effects to a photo (pencil sketch, smooth pastel, etc.) would eliminate concern of issues. I was given five websites for Royalty Free photos and images that are free of charge. Do you have any recommendations for me?
Published on September 29, 2016

Your child has written a book and a number of friends who have read it have remarked that it is great, and should be published. Your child then tells you he or she has decided to become an author, and wants to have the book published. You quickly respond “okay,” and then, realizing what you said, you ask yourself a number of questions:
Can my child actually publish a book?
Published on June 18, 2016

Handing over all rights, including copyright, of your work to another entity goes against the grain for many writers. Others, however, don’t bat an eyelid. You can always write more, right? So, in which situations does it make sense?