
Miami Herald’s newest writer is a robot; University invents brain-typing; and MORE! – In the News – 11/12/2021

Miami Herald’s newest writer is a robot; University invents brain-typing; and MORE! – In the News – 11/12/2021

MORE: Parents demand audit of school libraries; N. Ireland official sues singer for defamation; Small publisher sues Elizabeth Warren for attempted government censorship; Successful school superintendent fired for disagreeing with school board; Amazon truck cut clean in half by Amtrak train; and Do Amazon drivers know that their UPS counterparts can earn about twice as much?

Politician Buys “Fake News” Ads to Fool Voters – In the News – 10/29/21

Politician Buys “Fake News” Ads to Fool Voters – In the News – 10/29/21

MORE: Facebook document leaks have startling revelations; Newsrooms team up to expose Facebook’s actions; Parents required to sign NDA to view school curriculum?!; Parent kicked out of school board meeting after reading “vulgar language” from book that is included in the children’s curriculum; and Is politician’s family profiting from his government actions on CRT?

Americans Finally Protesting the Media; Katie Couric Hurts and Offends in New Book; AND MORE! In The News – 10/21/2021

Americans Finally Protesting the Media; Katie Couric Hurts and Offends in New Book; AND MORE! In The News – 10/21/2021

MORE: Politicians are rewriting headlines for articles they DID NOT WRITE!; Media is kind to terrorists in obituaries?!; Woman used obituaries to target homes for burglary; Lawmakers say Amazon misled or lied to them; Pastor refuses judge’s order to say specific words to his congregation; Apple is helping to kill religious freedoms; and Firefighter releases book about losing his job and his battle for religious freedom

The Million Dollar Apostrophe; “Cover Up the Jewish Books!”; Reporter to be Prosecuted for Finding Flaw in State Website … and MORE!! In The News – 10/15/2021

The Million Dollar Apostrophe; “Cover Up the Jewish Books!”; Reporter to be Prosecuted for Finding Flaw in State Website … and MORE!!  In The News – 10/15/2021

MORE: Amazon accused of copying products, and then promoting its own brands; The hedge fund that is costin reporters their jobs; Facebook is still cherry picking who can be criticized and who can’t; Cancelling cancel culture; and Political correctedness invades Christian publishing

Book Industry Thrown Into Chaos Over Supply-Chain Delays – In The News – 10-08-21

Book Industry Thrown Into Chaos Over Supply-Chain Delays – In The News – 10-08-21

MORE: Google profiting from news without paying for the journalism? Celebrity sued for posting pictures of herself; Potential liabilities for Facebook in Australia; Man receives $175K after woman calls him rapist online, and contacts his employer; Chinese Covid journalist who disappeared for 600 days has resurfaced; Prophet Muhammad cartoonist killed; Pearson sued Chegg for copyright infringement; Doctor loses lawsuit against newspaper; and Do some researchers consider copyrights “inconvenient?”

Is Twitter Placating China?; Author Calls Publisher Simon & Schuster “Disgusting” IN His Own Book – In The News – 09/23/2021

MORE: Journalist sent Fusion GPS a draft before publishing a major story?!; FAA news agency drone restriction banned; Hollywood production may stop; Court says no arbitration for Amazon in class action lawsuit filed by drivers; Facebook sued for “fact-checking” journalist; Price-fixing by Amazon?!; and “Actual malice” in libel

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