Mainstream Media and Politicians Will Be Sued for Millions by Rittenhouse Lawyers – In The News – 11/19/21

Mainstream Media and Politicians Will Be Sued for Millions by Rittenhouse Lawyers – In The News – 11/19/21

* Defamation
When the Media Convicts a Defendant Before a Trial, They Can Owe Millions Later
‘Covington kid’ Nick Sandmann thinks Kyle Rittenhouse should sue for defamation: ‘Hold the media accountable’
“Kyle wasn’t given his day in court by his critics. And neither was I. The attacks on Kyle came from the national news media, just as they came for me.”

* Defamation
We support Free Speech. But, This Guy is a Moron…
Alex Jones guilty in all four Sandy Hook defamation cases
“Jones claimed on his radio show and website that the event was ‘completely fake with actors,’ ‘synthetic’ and a ‘giant hoax'”.

* Defamation
What you say on social media on Friday night can be used against you on Monday morning.
$100K Judgment in Defamation Suit Called ‘Cautionary Tale’ for Social Media
“The Lavelle sisters, … lost their jobs, their mother’s house was vandalized and their friends and family received death threats after Isak shared the screenshot and urged her followers to identify the people in it…”

* Libel
Politicians must also be held accountable for their words.
Court Rules Cops Can Sue Seattle Councilwoman for Libel as She Faces Recall Vote
“The councilwoman said the same day, ‘We need justice on the individual actions and we need to turn the tide on the systematic police brutality and racial profiling.'”

* Free Speech
Will anyone be able speak freely on Zuckerburg’s “Metaverse?”
Facebook’s Metaverse Plans Raise Concerns Over Free Speech, Privacy Rights
“There are tremendous privacy issues. If you’re in a metaverse and interacting with other people, everything you say and do is being captured by a device, transmitted so it reaches the other person. In the middle there is Facebook and a lot of people,”

* Journalism / Free Speech
The KGB used to do this … and now the FBI does.
FBI Raid of James O’Keefe’s House Is a Blow to Press Freedom
“It appears the Southern District of New York now has journalists in their sights for the supposed crime of doing their jobs lawfully and honestly.”

* Amazonannigans
Amazon uses the “Contractor” excuse to avoid liability.
Amazon Sued Over Crashes by Drivers Rushing to Make Deliveries
“Rana’s case stands out for the severity of his injuries and his legal team’s argument that Amazon’s technological hold over its delivery partners makes it culpable in the crash. The team wants greater visibility into how ‘Amazon’s machines control drivers to bolster its case that the company is responsible.'”

* Journalism / Censorship
“Cyber-stalking” used in Nigeria as excuse to jail reporters.
Journalist arrested, charged after reporting on attacks against Christians in Nigeria
“Burton attributed Binniyat’s arrest to an Oct. 29 article he wrote titled ‘In Nigeria, Police Decry Massacres as ‘Wicked’ But Make No Arrests.'”

* Censorship
Prosecuted for publishing a Christian book
House Republicans condemn Finland’s prosecution of Christian MP over beliefs on sexuality
“Pohjola, the bishop-elect of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland, has been charged with one count of ethnic agitation for publishing Räsänen’s booklet.”

Waiting until all parties are dead (or almost dead) isn’t going to fly with the courts.
Wait what? FDA wants 55 years to process FOIA request over vaccine data
“That’s how long the Food & Drug Administration in court papers this week proposes it should be given to review and release the trove of vaccine-related documents responsive to the request (by a group of scientists). If a federal judge in Texas agrees, plaintiffs Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency can expect to see the full record in 2076.”

Selective release of new news is biased reporting
Ex-New York Times reporter claims paper held report on Kenosha arson, looting until after 2020 election
“Nellie Bowles wrote, ‘Something odd happened with that story after I filed it. It didn’t run. It sat and sat…'”

* Journalism
Sounds a lot like he was jailed for being informative!
American journalist freed from Burma jail with help from ex-diplomat
“Fenster, the managing editor of the online magazine Frontier Myanmar, was convicted Friday of spreading false or inflammatory information, contacting illegal organizations and violating visa regulations.”

* Journalism
$1.67 BILLION of YOUR MONEY to big media companies!!
Reconciliation Bill Gives Special Tax Handout to Big Media
“Should the tax break become law, Gannett, one of the nation’s largest remaining newspaper chains, could gain as much as $127.5 million over five years.”

* Politics…
Do as they say, not as they do…even at book signings
Fauci spotted maskless indoors at DC book party
“Fauci was spotted with a naked face on Tuesday while attending a book party for ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl at the high-end DC Italian spot Cafe Milano, Politico reported. The outlet noted that Fauci would wear or remove the mask depending on who was around him.”



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