Published on June 18, 2021
author scams, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, pod complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing scams

Offering something for nothing is a really dumb business model. While working with a “free” company may seem tempting to some authors, these firms typically go belly-up pretty quickly. And, some end up ripping their former authors off for years after the firm’s demise…while holding those authors’ books hostage.
Published on December 10, 2020
amazon, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing

Why in the world would Amazon let people who’d completely used and benefitted from a product “return” it for a full refund? I know why!
Published on November 25, 2020
amazon, author scams, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, legal, writing scams

Amazon censors another book…and then changes its mind; Big 5 publishers become 4 as Penguin buys Simon & Schuster; More censorship by Amazon; Can AI distinguish between conspiracy throery and truth?; Amazon gives new workers bonuses and old workers turkey vouchsters; The Los Angeles Times and Tribune Publishing pay $3M settlement after paying white males more than other journalists; Hilton Head magazine company ordered to pay to printer
Published on November 5, 2020
author scams, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, tate, writing scams

PLUS: The Oklahoma Attorney General’s files about Tate Publishing have “mysteriously” vanished in the past week! Why?!
Published on October 29, 2020
amazon, author scams, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, legal, writing scams

MORE: Book sales higher than in the past decade?; “Wealthy” bookstore owner asks customers to save her own store?; Author shares her story about BookWhip Marketing, LLC; Victoria Strauss does NOT recommend EMP Entertainment, A&D Entertainment, nor T.A. Barron’s Once Upon a Villain Flash Fiction Contest; Consumer review of Write Your Best Book / Christina Kaye; Indie bookstores are still struggling and here’s how you can help!; 149-year old Salt Lake Tribune moving from daily to weekly + massive layoffs; and Pay for an ebook from Amazon…but you might lose it later!
Published on October 29, 2020
amazon, author scams, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, copyrights, writing scams

“I was able to break the contract before they went out of business. However, my book is still advertised on Amazon Children’s Books, with all of the previous information, pricing, etc…”
Published on October 23, 2020
author, bookbaby, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing career advice

We were recently contacted by an author who wants to move his book from BookBaby to BookLocker. He says it takes them too long to print and ship a book. We took a look at their current “terms of service” and this is what we found…
Published on August 27, 2020
author solutions, authorhouse, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, iuniverse, pod complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing, xlibris

Holy Moly! There are some FURIOUS authors posting complaints online about AuthorHouse and their parent company, Author Solutions!
Published on August 20, 2020
complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, pod complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing

We compete directly with Outskirts Press. When we reject a manuscript, we never refer those authors to Outskirts Press.
Published on August 13, 2020
complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, pod complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing scams

When you don’t have the time or money to pay your authors’ royalties…yet you DO have the time and money to create a new website… SHAME ON FASTPENCIL / INFINITY PUBLISHING!