A Sad Loss For the BookLocker Family – by Brian Whiddon, Managing Editor
“The military trains people to go to war, but it doesn’t train them how to come home.”
“The military trains people to go to war, but it doesn’t train them how to come home.”
Let’s explore some out-of-the-ordinary tactics that will help you make a lasting impact.
I can’t even count the number of authors who have told me they hired an editor who actually screwed up their book.
Shouldn’t you be promoting your book for FREE on a platform that garners over 100 million users in the U.S. alone?
“The man has been nothing but mean, rude, and disrespectful. I have put many hours into the project but I just can’t continue to work with him…”
You don’t wanna miss this one!
When we think of a daily companion, we often think of something religious, like a devotional. But not all daily companion books are of a religious nature…
If you close your business the wrong way, you could end up behind bars!
Joining a library-based group has proven beneficial to my writing life in several unexpected ways.
The story is ground-breaking in opening up an ignored chapter in American history…