“Does anyone offer social media marketing campaigns FOR AUTHORS that are affordable?” YES!!!

“Does anyone offer social media marketing campaigns FOR AUTHORS that are affordable?” YES!!!

Q –

Hi Angela,

I hate Facebook. I used to get on it but I found myself getting pulled into arguments so I quit. I don’t have an account with Twitter, or whatever it’s called now, or anything else. I do watch YouTube once in awhile but I know that’s not really social media.

I know that social media is important for promoting a book but I just don’t want to do it myself. What are my options? Is anyone offering a service where they post directly to social media for the author? And, how much does something like that cost?

A –

Clayton Jones is a not only a professional online marketer, but he’s also a professional editor (it’s extremely important that authors’ posts/ads are error-free!) AND an English professor. We have received nothing but rave reviews about Clayton!

I pulled the text below from THIS PAGE.


The basic social media marketing plan is designed to help establish and maintain a strong online presence with minimal effort. This package includes management of two social media platforms of your choice (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) with the following services:

Content Creation: I will create and post engaging content tailored to your brand twice a week on each platform. This includes crafting captions, selecting or designing images, and scheduling posts to maximize reach and engagement.

Ad Management: I will manage one Facebook ad per month, including ad creation, targeting, and performance monitoring to ensure your advertising dollars are well-spent. Your first ad is designed at no additional cost.

Account Monitoring: Regular monitoring of your social media accounts for comments, messages, and overall engagement. I will notify you of any significant inquiries or issues and show you how to interact with your audience.

Reporting: I will notify you of significant metrics, including engagement rates, follower growth, and ad performance, along with recommendations for future strategy.


$200 per month
First and last month’s payment is required upfront
Cancel at any time with no additional fees

You can read more about Clayton’s book publicity services, and contact him for a quote, on THIS PAGE.

And, you can read about his editing services RIGHT HERE.


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Angela is not only the publisher of WritersWeekly.com. She is President & CEO of BookLocker.com,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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