Western Ag Reporter
P.O. Box 30758
Billings MT 59107
Website: https://www.westernagreporter.com
Editor: Terra Ochsner, Editor
Email address: editor@westernagreporter.com
About The Publication:
“A weekly agricultural paper, started in 1940, published in Billings, MT. Not politically correct. Offers to our large and close readership not only the news that affects production agriculture but also a healthy dose of Western history, a weekly cooking column, plenty of patriotic material, and plenty of Western humor.” Welcomes new writers. Circ. 15K. Weekly. Pays end of the month. Period between acceptance and publication varies. “Depends on whether their material needs to be printed immediately to be of any use to my readership or whether it can be printed any time … Depends how large the paper is, and that varies by season — longest in the spring and fall — size related DIRECTLY to advertising quantity.” Buys first rights. Accepts reprints. Responds one week. Sample copy free for two months by mail with SASE. Subscription $55/year. “No guidelines other than have something interesting to say that my ag readership would be interested in reading. About 800 words work well. Will work with longer material if the material is good enough.”
Pays flat fee of $50 for up to 800 words.
Current Needs:
“Always happy to have new writers.”
Pays flat fee of $50 for up to 800 words.
Pays flat fee of $50 for up to 800 words.
“Nice if available.” Pays $10/photo.
Welcomes New Writers: Yes