As some of you recall, I recently shared the story about our psycho neighbor and his vicious dog.

Last fall, after Psycho had repeatedly screamed the “f-word” at me on our back porch, and stomped off like a lunatic, he and his wife packed up, and left for several months on a planned trip. She had a temporary job in another state. We knew they would be coming back.

When they did, all of the problems with the dog started happening again, including it attacking our daughter’s dog in our yard. The most recent run-in involved Psycho threatening to blow Brian’s “fucking head off.” And, of course, we filed a police report.

Based on conversations we had with Psycho before he showed his true colors, we knew that he wasn’t, shall we say, a patriotic person. So, Brian put this in our front yard:

We also knew that Psycho was an atheist, which he proudly proclaimed last summer after seeing a metal cross on our mantle. So, Brian also put this in our front yard:

Don’t Moon and Tank look adorable? We have an electric fence for their safety and they never leave our yard. They also obey our commands, and would never attack anyone. They LOVE people! Good dogs!!

And, finally, Psycho did not share our political views (though he sure liked to talk non-stop about his own!) so Brian put up a funny (well, funny to us!) political sign in our yard:

Just to make sure Psycho could see the flag, the cross, and the sign, day and night, Brian also put solar powered spotlights on everything. Heh…


Just three days ago, Psycho put up his own yard sign! Here it is!!

Yep! Psycho IS MOVING!!

Another neighbor who he offended called me and we high-fived over the phone. The good news is it looks like the wife already moved out, and that the dog went with her. So, we no longer have to worry about our grandbabies, our dogs, or anyone else getting attacked.

Needless to say, it’s been a very, VERY good week!! 🙂


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7 Responses to "IMPORTANT UPDATE about Our PSYCHO Neighbor!"

  1. Linda G  March 18, 2022 at 5:23 pm

    This Christian says look at what the war did — it brought most of the world together. TOGETHER. To fight evil. WW2 didn’t do that. But we remembered how we swore that cannot happen again.

    I don’t know what you mean about the American ISIS (I’m Canadian). I think I don’t wanna know….

    Take care and thanks for your comments.

    Linda G

  2. Anita  March 12, 2022 at 2:45 pm

    Great news! However, don’t let your guard down. He could come back, so keep an eye out for a while. 😉

  3. Werner  March 12, 2022 at 2:03 pm

    Thank God!

    There are few things in life worse than a psycho neighbor. Speaking from experience.

  4. Linda G  March 12, 2022 at 7:54 am

    I wonder how he treats his wife and dog?

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of  March 12, 2022 at 12:30 pm

      Our thoughts exactly!!! I was hoping his wife might want to use this opportunity to escape…and take the dog with her.

  5. Richard McHenry  March 12, 2022 at 7:47 am

    I’d say you got lucky… the “problem” removing itself before getting violent. Praise the Lord.

    But it is utterly amazing, the numbers of sick/immature/inconsiderate/evil people in the world these days. Frightening and sad. Well, I mean, your neighbor Psycho. Then, “forced to listen to” overhead music wherever one goes (even outdoors in parking lots); cellphonie yappers in public anywhere; soccer fans going berserk after a game; school shootings as a norm; and such as Putin on the loose; not to mention the American ISIS of our recent BLM nightmares. Rather all as predicted, I guess, in scripture. “As it was in the days of Noah…” “And because iniquity is increased, the love of many will grow cold.”

    Gee, as a fair Christian — I’m about frozen.

  6. El  March 12, 2022 at 5:54 am

    God answers prayer! Happy to read this.