Hey Buddy, Can You Spare Some R.E.M.?

Mason (11 months) has a bad cold and he’s been very congested for two days. Needless to say, I’m swimming in a stupefied haze due to lack of R.E.M. sleep. I know lots of parents complain about lack of sleep but, truthfully, missing sleep hasn’t ever bothered me in my mommy career. I enjoy cuddling a baby late at night (or early in the morning) when they don’t feel good and need mommy’s lovies. And, Mason just learned how to give sloppy kisses. You can imagine the horror on the other children’s faces when Mason, with his runny baby nose, tries to give them a sloppy baby kiss. Heh…

We met with Richard’s new rheumatologist last week and we really like him. He ordered numerous blood tests and a sonogram. The sonogram and the blood tests that have come back so far have been normal. Richard’s still on Prednisone so he’s feeling okay. We still don’t have a diagnosis. The rest of the tests should be back on Friday. If they’re all normal, they’ll be sending him for a CT Scan. We want to thank all of you once again for the prayers! 🙂

This week’s Maxism:
We were watching a movie and, in one scene, two adults start kissing each other with vigor. Max said, “Look, Mom! They’re eating each other!”

Hugs to all!


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