I have ALWAYS wanted a greenhouse. And, finally, for my birthday, I received one!!
Two days ago, Brian finished assembling it. That was a HUGE job! After digging a level surface (our yard slopes on the mountain) and putting down gravel (with Mason’s help), building a deck base, painting it, and then assembling all the pieces (hundreds of them!), I was THRILLED!
I was smiling soooo big when I moved all of my lettuce (6 varieties!), spinach, and Bok Choy seedlings into it. I also moved the tomato, green bean, and celery plants that survived the winter under grow lights in the basement. They all looked so healthy and carefree as they reached for the REAL sun!
Around 4:30 yesterday afternoon, when I was driving home from Chattanooga, I pulled over when I saw this in the distance:
I quickly took a video, and sent it to Brian, saying, “Pretty sure this is a wildfire. See if you can see it from the yard.”
I took that picture facing south. Our house is on the same mountain, but to the left of the picture (east). The wind was blowing in the opposite direction (west), and was heavy over I-24. Still…just a shift of the wind and GAH! I dropped my phone on the passenger seat, and booked it home.
When I arrived, Brian was was in the front yard, looking at the smoke with worry lines between his brows. We had to leave for church 15 minutes later and we prayed that firefighters were getting it under control.
On the way home from church, it was dark and we couldn’t see the smoke but WE COULD SEE THE FLAMES!
We’ve been under burn bans off and on for a couple of weeks due to low humidity, no rain, and high winds. However, we can see the entire mountain range to the east of us, as well as the west side of Lookout Mountain and, I can tell you, LOTS of people have been burning stuff anyway. Very scary. And, very stupid.
This morning, our phones started blaring about bad weather coming. We were under a high wind warning (something you do NOT want when a wildfire is within sight of your home!). And, why oh why do they always send those screeching warnings out at 4:00 A.M.?! And, did I mention that the wind was going to change directions after all? The storm system was approaching from the northwest. So, now we wondered if the greenhouse was going to be the victim of a fire, or a storm system…
Brian assured me that the greenhouse was built to sustain 65 mph winds. I wasn’t so sure I trusted the manufacturer’s marketing verbiage, and didn’t want to risk my seedlings (my babies!!) getting blown away (and killed!). I quickly put my shoes and sweater on, and Brian helped me move ALL of the plants back into the basement, under the grow lights. They looked so sad…
The good news is the wildfire was brought under control this afternoon.
The bad news is, as of right now, we are dealing with THIS:
The greenhouse survived 50 mph winds!! I credit Brian’s excellent construction skills!! Yea!!! 🙂
- Wait Just a Dadgum Minute! Tornadoes Travel on Mountains?!
- “HOLD ON TO SOMETHING AND DO *NOT* LET GO!” Funnel Cloud Brings Sudden Mayhem and We FREAKED OUT! (includes video)
- Almost Water Blasted Right Out of Bed + A TORNADO!!
- Flood and a Tornado! (+ pictures)
- CRAZY Wind and the Shower Tilt-a-Whirl – WHOO HOO!!
- We Got the House We Wanted!
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Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!
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7.625 STRATEGIES IN EVERY BEST-SELLER - Revised and Expanded Edition

At this moment, thousands of would-be authors are slaving away on their keyboards, dreaming of literary success. But their efforts won’t count for much. Of all those manuscripts, trade book editors will sign up only a slim fraction.
And of those titles--ones that that editors paid thousands of dollars to contract, print and publicize--an unhealthy percentage never sell enough copies to earn back their advances. Two years later, most will be out of print!
Acquisition Editor Tam Mossman shares seven essentials every book needs to stay in print, and sell!
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Boy, you have had issues in GA, but I am glad you still feel blessed in the move from Florida and the boat!