Oh NO!! Not Baby-Shark!!!
“Baby Shark” Owner Pinkfong Faces a Copyright Infringement Lawsuit — Based on a Public Domain Song
“Although no one is quite certain of the song’s origin, it’s believed to have been a campfire chant developed at U.S. summer camps for kids sometime last century. The song may have emerged in conjunction with the success of the ‘Jaws’ franchise — though that’s just another theory.”
Whenever a new law is created, someone always finds a way to avoid it.
Google will remove news previews rather than pay publishers in Europe
“Google is changing the way it displays news stories produced by European publishers in France as new copyright rules go into effect. Rather than paying publishers to display snippets of their news stories, the company will show only headlines from articles…”
Eating popcorn while waiting for PETA to get wind of this…
A penguin interned at Penguin Random House, and it’s the best thing we’ve seen all day
“A real-life penguin waddled its way into in an ‘internship’ at Penguin Random House for a day, and we don’t want to jinx it, but we think the penguin is getting hired.”
Traditional publishers can afford to employ fact-checkers!
It’s a Fact: Mistakes Are Embarrassing the Publishing Industry
“In the past year alone, errors in books by several high-profile authors — including Naomi Wolf, the former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson, the historian Jared Diamond, the behavioral scientist and ‘happiness expert’ Paul Dolan and the journalist Michael Wolff — have ignited a debate over whether publishers should take more responsibility for the accuracy of their books.”
So, our glasses will be spying on us now???
Why Amazon is making a bunch of bizarre Alexa gadgets such as prescription glasses and jewelry
“But then there is the crazy stuff such as prescription glasses, a bulky black ring that lets you interact with Alexa and even a smart oven. Amazon dedicated an entire day to put Alexa into everything but the kitchen sink. (Don’t worry. The Echo Sink is probably coming next year.)”
2019 is Proving to be a Good Year For Books
U.S. Publishing Industry Revenues Reached $6 Billion In First Half of 2019
“Publishers in the United States saw nearly $6 billion in net revenue between January and June of 2019, according to new data out from the Association of American Publishers.”
Instagram “Copyright Infringement” Phishing Scam ALERT!
Instagram phish poses as copyright infringement warning – don’t click!
“Social media passwords are […] valuable to crooks, because the innards of your social media accounts typically give away much more about you than the crooks could find out with regular searches.”
The Art and Craft of Writing and Editing

Writing is a constant dialogue between author and reader.
The craft of writing involves an interchange of emotions between an author and a reader. An author creates a story line, conflict, and characters, gives his characters words to speak, and then hands off these materials to a reader. This process results in a constant dialogue between the mental imagery produced by a reader and that proposed by the author.
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