We should call it what it is… “FAKE-I”
An author says AI is ‘writing’ unauthorized books being sold under her name on Amazon
“With AI tools like ChatGPT now able to rapidly and cheaply pump out huge volumes of convincing text, some writers and authors have raised alarms about losing work to the new technology. Others have said they don’t want their work being used to train AI models, which could then be used to imitate them.”
The danger of depending on “AI” to do our thinking for us.
Detroit woman sues city after being falsely arrested while pregnant due to facial recognition technology
“‘Detective Oliver stated in detail in her report what she observed in the video footage, and there was no mention of the female suspect being pregnant,’ the lawsuit says.”
This is not a Marxist country. We don’t need a Marxist in charge of our libraries.
Self-declared ‘Marxist’ library group chief stunned by backlash as state pulls funding to ALA
“‘Our oath of office and resulting duty to the Constitution forbids association with an organization led by a Marxist,’ the commission said in a letter to the ALA after making the decision.”
Petty college board administrators throw tantrum by trying to get AP Psychology classes dropped – and blame Florida for it.
Florida effectively bans AP Psychology course over LGBTQ content, College Board says
“The Department didn’t ‘ban’ the course. The course remains listed in Florida’s Course Code Directory for the 2023-24 school year. We encourage the College Board to stop playing games with Florida students and continue to offer the course and allow teachers to operate accordingly…”
You would think we could expect a little more adult behavior from a “college board.”
Florida Board of Education clarifies AP Psychology is safe in schools: ‘No room for misinterpretation’
“Although the DOE sent a letter to superintendents the following day saying the course could still be taught ‘in its entirety,’ and attacked the College Board for ‘playing games,’ questions remained.”
Well, this is one way to never get hired to write a biography again!
Obama biographer on letters to 44’s ex he hopes the public never sees, how Michelle changed since Chicago days
“And he knew… that having a wife like Sheila Jager, half-Dutch, half Japanese, would not cut it in Black Chicago… Having a non-Black spouse 25, 35 years ago was an active political problem for a Black candidate.”

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