Librarians can’t possibly read every book in the library and they are usually not responsible for purchasing the materials that will be shelved. The people actually BUYING and then GIVING these books to children to read are the ones who should be charged. A convenience store clerk can’t sell a nudie magazine to a child but libraries and schools now give books containing p*rnography (and much worse) to children.
Judge blocks Arkansas law allowing librarians to be criminally charged over ‘harmful’ materials
“Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin said in an email Saturday that his office would be ‘reviewing the judge’s opinion and will continue to vigorously defend the law.’”
So, AI can even turn our courts upside-down!
Expert warns of courtroom chaos as new tech could unleash bogus info
“There is potential harm to the reputation of judges and courts whose names are falsely invoked as authors of the bogus opinions and to the reputation of a party attributed with fictional conduct…”
When the government decides what truth is, we will ALL slaves.
Australian Christians Warned Censorship Coming With New Disinformation Bill
“The plan would, for example, ban criticism of the LGBT ideology, including transgender procedures that mutilate a child’s body.”
Another attack on a journalist.
Fox Reporter Sucker Punched in ‘Disturbing’ TikTok Challenge
“…he was sucker punched by a man who’d filmed himself pouring beer on him.”
Government censorship of truth – it’s already here.
New Facebook Files reveal lengths WH was willing to go to try to control COVID narrative on social media
“The idea came up in a conversation about how to convince people worried about side effects around the COVID vaccine to take it.”
And, on the lighter side…
Post Malone writes his best lyrics on the toilet: ‘Sometimes I’ll bring a guitar in there’
“Sometimes I’ll answer some emails,” he said. “I do a lot of online shopping. And everybody thinks every order I place is fake.”
Judge tells reporter to reveal her source for series of stories she did in 2017.
She reported a scientist was under FBI investigation. Now a judge is ordering her to reveal her source
“A federal judge handed down a rare and alarming court decision this week that could have significant implications for the free press in America.”
Sharing the truth with kids.
Kirk Cameron-inspired library event on Aug. 5 is ‘awesome way to be bold,’ says Louisiana pastor
“People are encouraged and strengthened when they see others stand up and share truth and hope. This ‘See You at the Library’ event is a gathering that will be a fun, creative and awesome way to speak truth and hope to our generation of children.”
PART 1: The library couldn’t simply limit the number of patrons?
Canceled! Kirk Cameron and Riley Gaines learn Alabama library cannot host them at Saturday book event
“Due to the event’s anticipated attendance increasing beyond the Library’s capacity, the Library will be unable to host the event.”
PART 2: Nice try! Ha ha ha!!!
Alabama library caves after Brave Books and Kirk Cameron stand up to its attempt to deny Americans a venue
“Now, after law firm First Liberty Institute sent a letter to the library system saying it was ‘prepared to vindicate this violation of our client’s civil rights in court,’ the library has reversed course, Fox News Digital was told on Friday afternoon.”