Remember when I said “True Journalism is Dead?” Apparently, so is basic integrity among reporters.
Air Force One experiencing ‘rampant thievery’ from White House reporters traveling with president
“For years, scores of journalists — and others — have quietly stuffed everything from engraved whiskey tumblers to wine glasses to pretty much anything with the Air Force One insignia on it into their bag before stepping off the plane…”
Free speech is under attack world wide.
Critics slam Scotland’s new hate speech law as an attack on freedom
“The new law warns that people can be prosecuted for sharing offensive rhetoric across multiple media platforms, which includes ‘displaying, publishing or distributing the material e.g. on a sign; on the internet through websites, blogs, podcasts, social media etc..'”
J.K. Rowling standing strong for free speech once again!
Police say JK Rowling committed no crime with tweets slamming Scotland’s new hate speech law
“‘Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal,’ she said.”
Amazing Archeological Sale
One of oldest Christian liturgical books expected to bring in more than $2.6M at London auction
“The Crosby-Schøyen Codex was written on Egyptian papyrus from around 250-350 A.D., and produced in one of the first monasteries.”
It’s time to legislate limits to what AI can mimic.
George Carlin’s estate reaches settlement over AI-generated comedy special
“This case is not just about AI, it’s about the humans that use AI to violate the law, infringe on intellectual property rights, and flout common decency.”
Jewish students afraid to go to COLLEGE due to rampant (and condoned) anti-semitism!
Most Jewish families applying for college have eliminated a school based on rising antisemitism: Survey
“The group said it has recorded 1,215 antisemitic incidents on campuses from Oct. 7 to April. 1, a 700 percent increase compared to the previous year…”

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