
How to Add Newsletters to Your Writing Repertoire By Victoria Groves

As embarrassing as it is to admit, my first paid newsletter assignment was for a dormitory at the University of Massachusetts. The Stall Street Journal was proudly posted on the inside of every bathroom stall in the building. Despite it being read while dorm residents were busy doing other things, or that my writers received story assignments as punishment by the residence director, I loved the job. …

The Elusive Reader By M.J. Rose

Don’t miss MJ Rose’s new class, Start Your Novel Today!, now available at Don’t miss…

The Holidays = Article Ideas in Abundance! By Angela Hoy

The Holidays = Article Ideas in Abundance! By Angela Hoy

As we all deck the halls, light the Menorah or Kinara, or simply stare in awe at snowflakes prancing through the air, it's the perfect time to start keeping a list of memorable holiday moments that will make great articles in print next year. Pull out a small notebook and keep a journal of each holiday happening. Just a few moments of reflection and note-taking at bedtime will provide you with plenty of material! Then, in January, review what you've written and start composing queries. …

When You’ve Been Violated: What To Do When Someone Steals Your Ideas or Articles By Angela Hoy

What can you do if someone steals your article or book idea? Unfortunately, not much. If you're not positive they stole your idea and can't prove it, spreading rumors about their alleged theft can get you into lots of legal trouble. If you're positive they stole your idea, article or book, you need to let them know you'll be telling the online writing community to watch out for them. If you alert enough of us about their unethical behavior, it could make a serious dent in the quality of the queries coming into their office. …