
Six Paying Education Markets for Writers By Erika Dreifus

Six Paying Education Markets for Writers By Erika Dreifus

There are a variety of print and online markets seeking articles and essays in the education field. It isn't surprising that the market is so voluminous, for the readership for education materials is varied. Educators themselves form a diverse group and, if we just think about primary and secondary school teachers, along with administrators, those in higher education, and even home schooling families, the readership and possibilities for article topics seems endless. …

Profitable Personal Essays By Dawn Goldsmith

Don't give away your life stories! Whatever your gender, age, interests, hobbies or career, if you search a little, you'll find markets eager to publish and pay for your personal essays. …

Recognizing Excellent Historical Fiction By Erika Dreifus

For writers who specialize in recreating historical periods and personages, a number of organizations reward that difficult work. Whether the writing has been published or is still in manuscript form, and whether it is targeted for young audiences or an adult readership, a remarkable range of recognition exists. Take a look at this list, for starters. As always when considering any competition or contest, be sure to check with the sponsoring organization for the latest guidelines and updates. …

Selling Short Non-Fiction Articles By Claudia Carver

I like to find good homes for things. Every couple of years, I organize a garage sale. I sell things I no longer need or want for a dollar or two, or even for loose change. Of course, I also go to garage sales from time to time, often bringing home a treasure that someone else didnĀ¹t want or need. …

How to Add Newsletters to Your Writing Repertoire By Victoria Groves

As embarrassing as it is to admit, my first paid newsletter assignment was for a dormitory at the University of Massachusetts. The Stall Street Journal was proudly posted on the inside of every bathroom stall in the building. Despite it being read while dorm residents were busy doing other things, or that my writers received story assignments as punishment by the residence director, I loved the job. …