KEEP THE CASH FLOWING By Rosemary Ann Ogilvie
Every career writer has been there: weeks without a single check arriving in the mail, nails…
Published on June 12, 2002
Every career writer has been there: weeks without a single check arriving in the mail, nails…
Published on June 5, 2002
I don’t own a copy of Writer’s Market (the book published by Writers Digest Books). No…
Published on May 29, 2002
The old bait 'n switch book review scam!…
Published on May 22, 2002
Picture an actual playing board with plastic pieces and a spinner in the middle. The spinner…
Published on May 15, 2002
These days, publishers and editors can be pretty creative when coming up with reasons to not pay writers. We've heard it all at Warnings! …
Published on May 8, 2002
Freelancers do what they do for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is…
Published on May 1, 2002
Working as a sales representative for an educational publisher has opened up an entirely new world…
Published on April 24, 2002
I started writing for money over 20 years ago. I had no experience, no direction, no…
Published on April 17, 2002
Food, glorious food! There, I have your attention. We all love food, as it nourishes more…
Published on April 10, 2002
What is the easiest tax form of them all? Hint: It only takes 5 minutes to…
Published on April 3, 2002
When I wrote the story of my grandmother’s life, I’d never heard the term “personal historian.”…
Published on March 27, 2002
Seven practices to give yourself a bonus! ASK FOR A BETTER CONTRACT Ask for a better…
Published on March 20, 2002
In sales, reselling is not usually an option unless a thing can be mass-produced, which is…
Published on March 13, 2002
Nothing thrills a freelance non-fiction writer as much as a new sale. Chocolate may make me…
Published on March 6, 2002
A new author who uses a small or P.O.D. publisher must make some important decisions about…
Published on February 27, 2002
After finishing my first book, BABY CATCHER: Chronicles of a Modern Midwife securing an agent and…
Published on February 20, 2002
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: We have never run humor in this column before, but we couldn’t resist this…
Published on February 13, 2002
This article may be freely reprinted/redistributed as long as the entire article and bio are included.…
Published on February 6, 2002
This article may be freely reprinted/redistributed as long as the entire article and bio are included.…
Published on January 30, 2002
Advertising says to people, ‘Here’s what we’ve got. Here’s what it will do for you. Here’s…
Published on January 23, 2002
I have had some success with getting my book into stores, and I want to share…
Published on January 16, 2002
Freelance writers are very much like prospectors, those itinerant gold seekers represented in popular fiction as…
Published on January 9, 2002
It used to be that the label “self-published author” was loser-speak for “I couldn’t get published…
Published on January 2, 2002
Most authors believe that getting on Oprah will make them a Millionaire and their book a…
Published on December 26, 2001
Maybe I’m paranoid, or maybe it’s good old common sense. Regardless of the reasoning, the other…
Published on December 19, 2001
I receive dozens of e-mails each week asking, “OK. I love writing. But how do I…
Published on December 12, 2001
This article may be freely reprinted/redistributed as long as the entire article and bio are included.…
Published on December 5, 2001
For freelance writers the antique and collectibles segment of the publishing industry represents an opportunity to…
Published on November 28, 2001
Only a fraction of unknown authors will be published this year. And memoirs–forget it! Unless they…
Published on November 14, 2001
Attracting new fans. Admit it, that’s what having a book published is all about — getting…
Published on November 7, 2001
Sometimes poets have to go far and wide to find paying markets for their work. An…
Published on October 31, 2001
My hat is off, and my heart goes out to Marianne Mancusi. A victory is a…
Published on October 24, 2001
The swirling leaves blanket my windshield like rain, swept up in a random dance by the…