How To Sell More Books On Twitter! By C.M. Saunders

Unless you’ve been living under a rock since 2006, then you probably already have a Twitter…
Published on October 30, 2014
Unless you’ve been living under a rock since 2006, then you probably already have a Twitter…
Published on October 22, 2014
Ernest Hemingway said that it is in the editing process that most writers break down. Hemingway was ruthless in editing his own work. One biographer I read said Hemingway edited everything he wrote up to thirty times. I have taught freshman composition for many years. I tell my students that good writing is rewriting, refining, and finding those little demon typos and errors that can damage the quality of what is written. Don't be discouraged or surprised if your POD publisher encourages you to hire an editor.…
Published on October 15, 2014
We have all heard that there is a potential book within each one of us, just waiting to be written. But, what about the book that you have ALREADY written? That book could be hiding in your hard drive, ready to be copied and pasted into a folder of its own.…
Published on October 8, 2014
What encompasses more than half the battle of getting a book published? Obtaining a reputable agent. Some would argue those are kind odds about the reality of the game. I'm here to impart that it is a game, of the shell variety, a three-way chess match in which the unaware writer is the pawn...…
Published on October 2, 2014
The summer morning started with a frenzy of packing paper goods, dashing to the ATM for…
Published on September 24, 2014
Starting a freelance writing career can be challenging. Creative careers often attract individuals fueled by passion, without the business acumen to sustain their efforts. Learning how to attract and retain clients, while remaining fulfilled by your work, is a delicate balance that can be achieved by avoiding these common beginner mistakes... …
Published on September 17, 2014
Trawling through the web for websites that give you the opportunity to earn money writing about culture-related issues can be like trying to find a word in a manuscript...amongst a hundred pages. …
Published on September 3, 2014
A few weeks ago a writer friend suggested that I check out one of her favorite publications. On the surface it looked promising. The journal presented itself as a socially conscious, humanitarian outfit. However, the writers' guidelines told a different story... …
Published on August 27, 2014
Has someone recently told you it's okay to grab, alter, and republish someone else's material from Pinterest or another website? If so, you should be very wary of that individual's ethics and so-called expertise... …
Published on August 20, 2014
As I look back, I am stunned that the ignorant inquiries I made to my traditional publisher and literary agent did not create waves of guffaws and rollicking cackles. Upon the release of my first book by a traditional publisher, during a conference call, I queried the publisher and her henchmen about their promotional plans. Would there be some sort of tour maybe? A round of book signings in a few large cities perhaps? A few flights and hotel stays, at the publisher's expense, of course, in the pursuit of boosting book sales? Silly me. The nerve! A publisher spending money promoting a new author's book? Ha... …
Published on August 13, 2014
Your byline is important, not just in its frequency of appearance, but also in how it affects your income. Some writers operating writing businesses use a name other than their own if they pen web copy or advertising, for example. But for some types of writing, such as periodicals and books, your name is your brand identity... …
Published on August 6, 2014
Every writer has certain tools they rely on daily, from reference books to cached webpages, to stacks of notes, to file templates. When those tools are unavailable, productivity can plummet, and with it, a writer's income, unless you take careful steps for the time you must spend away from your office. Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, for just a few days, or a longer trip, it is possible to keep working no matter how far away your office is... …
Published on July 23, 2014
I learned the concept of the Rule of 5 at a seminar, "The Rule of 5 for Leadership," by John Maxwell. Since then, I've heard the Rule of 5 for just about everything. The Rule of 5 is a list of the five key things that you must do every day in your business, in your writing, or whatever goal you may be pursuing... …
Published on July 16, 2014
Having just completed another very successful "book signing" in a large venue setting, I would like to offer some pointers for authors that have had limited or no success in selling their books at the various library or local artist sponsored book signing events.…
Published on July 9, 2014
If I make it, will they come? It's a question a lot of writers have when they're working toward establishing an online presence. …
Published on July 2, 2014
I used to think that Print-on-Demand (POD) publishers sold their services only to desperate writers not good enough to win a contract with a traditional publisher. I learned differently when I explored the publishing world more closely. …
Published on June 25, 2014
One way to increase income is to write and sell more. But, how do you overcome inertia? Consider what excites you... …
Published on June 18, 2014
Story opportunities are as densely packed as the crab traps that blanket Florida Bay. For the nautically minded writer, opportunities abound wherever mariners are enjoying their boats - or not enjoying their boats, i.e.: treating stinky waste-holding tanks, fixing balky engines or extricating the entangled lines of those pesky crab traps from propellers... …
Published on June 4, 2014
A friend had recommended me to a curriculum publisher. Could I revise workbooks for fifth-grade science? I said that I would give it a try, and soon a big box appeared on my porch. I eagerly delved into the materials: course samples, manuals on how to design curriculum, workbooks to revise, and the fifth-grade science textbook. The cover art featured a wise-looking owl. Was I wise enough to rewrite ten science workbooks? …
Published on May 28, 2014
A price sheet - a list of specific projects and their costs - is a handy tool for any writer. Creating one prepares you to give "back of the napkin" estimates. And, any experienced freelancer knows that when a prospect calls about a 400-word blog article, you can often win the business by providing an immediate answer when she asks "What's it going to cost?" That's great when reacting to inquiries, but did you know that a price sheet can be highly effective for proactive marketing? Here's how... …
Published on May 21, 2014
There is a way to effectively market yourself as a writer for free, and promote your services to thousands of people, all with only a few minutes work per day. Of course, I'm talking about comment marketing. …
Published on May 14, 2014
Congratulations on making the decision to write your book. But if you are like me, you really don't know where to begin. I remember getting frustrated, a little angry, and then just plain stuck. If that's happened to you, then here are two simple first steps that you should consider to get unstuck and get your book written... …
Published on May 7, 2014
The number of scammed victims is the best kept secret in self-publishing. In writing groups, large and small, fellow authors sit with dark secrets and, like the elderly woman down the street who hasn't told anyone she sent all her savings to a fake online preacher, you won't know who they are. Protecting their fear of being labeled gullible, and subjected to pitying glances, they help unscrupulous self-publishing companies to flourish... …
Published on April 30, 2014
Everyone wants to know the "secret sauce," the precise steps they must take to become a successful self-published author. While there are no hard and fast rules that will work equally for everyone, here are six basic commandments for self-publishing success... …
Published on April 23, 2014
One of the frequent topics popping up in magazines devoted to writers and writing is how and where to get ideas for stories, be they fiction or non-fiction. That should not be a problem for anyone who intends to be or is writing for publication. It is for many writers because they are looking into the skies for the big literary bomb to be exploded in hype they can peddle to the highest paying markets. That is a mistake... …
Published on April 16, 2014
In these days of indie publishing, the more books you have out there, the more money you can make. But, how can you write faster? Can you really write books quickly that don't suck? By following the strategies below, you can churn out multiple novels a year and get them out to your readers. Here's how... …
Published on April 9, 2014
How can we fix the glaring inconsistency of expecting writers to work for free while everybody else receives payment? Well, editors can either pay the writers or writers can move on to publications that do pay. Sometimes, editors do not seem to understand the unfairness of this policy or, at other times, writers sell themselves short. I wrote the following allegory to expose the issue, and to encourage fairness for the work that writers do... …
Published on April 2, 2014
Craigslist, often vilified, if treated with respect, can make you money. In a double-barreled approach, a freelancer can post ads soliciting business or respond to ads seeking freelancers. The cost - only the time spent managing your account. …
Published on March 26, 2014
Whether you are a full-time freelancer, or are just dabbling in the writing life, there are countless ways to make money writing. Here are 10 ways to boost your bottom line this year... …
Published on March 20, 2014
One of the most devastating times for writers is when things seem to be going along smoothly and then the work dries up. As I close in on 14-years of full-time freelancing, I find that now and then, work can suddenly dry up for me just as it does for any writer. Whether the work and specifically whether the high-paying kind of work that I enjoy returns and how soon depends on how I respond to these lulls... …
Published on March 12, 2014
See bad writing online? Offer to fix it. That's how I've won numerous web content writing jobs from companies. Finding the work is easy. Anytime you're online, take note of sites lacking content or whose content could use improvement. Most of these are the sites of small business owners who likely made the sites themselves with the help of a tech savvy friend... …
Published on March 5, 2014
Sometimes we writers get hitched to the wagon and steed on a blazing trail headed to nowhere fast. That blazing trail for our purposes may be the pipe dream magazine of a bitter editor. It might be a newspaper making due at just the middle ground with no path to better real estate. It may be the dead end online portal for pulp entertainment and sports write ups that don't really get you the Pulitzer you dream of. Whatever it is, eventually you have to have a heart to heart with yourself about your ambitions as a writer. When is it time to move on to greater adventures? That, my friends, is the million dollar question... …
Published on February 26, 2014
Less than two years ago, I purchased an item from a vendor in a large meeting hall. This was my first personal experience with a device that would take my ability to process credit card orders anywhere WiFi is available... …