Published on January 30, 2025
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“Poetry Ireland Review is a highly-regarded journal of poetry. Published three times a year, the Review includes the work of both emerging and established Irish and international poets, essayists, critics and visual artists.” Tri-annual. No reprints. Responds in 3-4 months. Guidelines online.
Pays €40/poem and €100/review.
Published on January 2, 2025
Paying Markets for Writers

100% freelance. “The Sprawl Mag is a (cyber-)feminist, anti-colonial speculative fiction, poetry, and visual art magazine focused on publishing perspectives that have historically been left out of canonical sci-fi and fantasy.” Welcomes new writers. Biannual. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms within a few months of acceptance. Buys first serial rights. No reprints. Responds within two months. Sample articles available online. Guidelines online.
Published on January 2, 2025
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“New Letters is an international quarterly magazine featuring fiction, essays, poetry, reviews, and interviews with writers and original art, published by the University of Missouri at Kansas City.” Welcomes new writers. 90% freelance. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-9 months after acceptance. Buys First NA rights. No reprints. Responds in 3-6 months.
Pays “$15 to $35 per poem; $35 book reviews; $65 to $200 short stories
Published on December 3, 2024
diversify your writing income, Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“Raleigh Review is a nonprofit magazine of poetry, short fiction, and art, offering accessible works of experience that are emotionally and intellectually complex. At Raleigh Review we believe that great literature inspires empathy by allowing us to see the world through the eyes of our neighbors, whether across the street or across the globe. Our mission is to foster the creation and availability of accessible yet provocative contemporary literature through our biannual magazine as well as through workshops, readings, and other community events. Further Guidance on Submissions: Please note, we do not accept submissions to Raleigh Review via email or US postal service in most cases. They must go through Submittable. See Submission Guidelines for details. We understand these are difficult times. We plan to launch a detailed application every December for those writers who cannot swing the small fee to submit. Besides receiving the necessary approval for a fee free waiver to submit to our general submission category, the only exception to the submissions via Submittable only rule is inmates in correctional institutions may use the mailing address below to send us one submission per reading period via US Post. Follow the general submission guidelines, and please only send the work and your return address in this case. We welcome your submissions to Raleigh Review though we ask that you adhere to our submission guidelines as well as to the policy in the above paragraphs.” Welcomes new writers. Biannual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms approximately 4 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. Response time varies. Guidelines online.
Published on November 16, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“Geist is a magazine of ideas and culture with a strong literary focus and a sense of humour. The Geist tone is intelligent, plain-talking, inclusive and offbeat. Each issue represents a convergence of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography, comics, reviews, little-known facts of interest, cartography and the legendary Geist crossword puzzle.” Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 6 months of acceptance. Buys First N.A. Rights. No reprints. Responds within 6 months. Guidelines online.
Pays CAD $0.40/word, and a flat rate for poetry, photograph and art.
Published on October 4, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“Literary journal with a lead essay on the work of a contemporary writer; poetry; and book reviews.” 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within one year. Buys first serial rights. Responds 2-3 months. Guidelines online.
Pays $25/poem
Published on September 28, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“Contrary® was founded in 2003 at the University of Chicago by alumni of Chicago’s Master of Arts Program in the Humanities. It was quickly embraced and has been abundantly nourished by graduates of the Vermont College of Fine Arts MFA in Writing program. It now operates independently and without a thought of profit on the South Side of Chicago and publishes writers from throughout the world. It publishes poetry, fiction, lyrical commentary, creative non-fiction, and especially works that blur the edges of those categories.” 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on receipt of invoice. Publishes ms one month after acceptance. Buys all rights: “1) worldwide rights to publish in any or all versions of Contrary and other Contrary-affiliated media, including domestic and foreign, whether in the English language or translated into a foreign language, including any successor, similar or replacement versions thereof; 2) exclusive worldwide rights for a period of 90 days from the date of Contrary’s first publication of the work; 3. non-exclusive perpetual rights to republish, store, syndicate or distribute the work or portions of the work in any language and in any country, and 4) the right to use your name and likeness in a fair and dignified manner and to publish information about you in connection with the advertising and promotion of Contrary and of the Work. 5) When exclusive rights expire after three months, the author is free to seek republication elsewhere, but Contrary must be credited in all subsequent publications. 6) All rights granted by this agreement are granted in perpetuity and applicable in all media including, but not limited to, all electronic media, internet, wireless or mobile platforms whether now known or hereafter created.” No reprints. Responds in less than 90 days. Sample copy online. Guidelines online
Pays $20 per author, per issue.
Published on September 12, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

The Capilano Review publishes art, poetry, and criticism that inhabit and reflect our challenging times, resist convention and excite response. Our magazine features full-colour art sections designed to promote dialogue between writers and artists. Each issue of TCR includes art, fiction, and interviews sourced and commissioned by theeditor. Most of the poetry we publish is also solicited; however, wedo publish one or two unsolicited works in each issue. TheCapilano Review publishes venturesome experimental writing andart.” Publishes 3 issues/year. Pays 30 days after acceptance. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Buys “First North American rights and limited, nonexclusive digital rights. Copyright reverts to the author upon publication.” Occasionally accepts reprints – “Recently published work may be excerpted/featured in our magazine in special instances.” Responds 3-6 months.
Pays $50 per published page
Published on August 1, 2024

“We are a journal of literature and culture, publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, book reviews and interviews since 1968.” Welcomes new writers. Biyearly, occasionally publishes special topic issues. Pays on publication. Publishes ms one week to one year after acceptance. Buys first rights. Responds in one week to eight months. Sample articles available online. Guidelines online
Published on November 30, 2023
diversify your writing income, Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“The Rialto is a poetry magazine. We welcome excellent new poetry, but do not publish reviews and the small amount of prose in the magazine is commissioned by the editors. Unsolicited prose will be junked.” Welcomes new writers. Tri-annual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 1 year of acceptance. Buys non-exclusive rights only. No reprints. Responds within 6 months.Guidelines online
Pays £20 per poem (pounds sterling).