Poetry Ireland Review
11 Parnell Square East
Dublin, Ireland 1, D01 ND60
Website: https://www.poetryireland.ie/
Guidelines: https://www.poetryireland.ie/writers/submission-to-pir
Email address: mailto:info@poetryireland.ie
About The Publication:
“Poetry Ireland Review is a highly-regarded journal of poetry. Published three times a year, the Review includes the work of both emerging and established Irish and international poets, essayists, critics and visual artists.” Tri-annual. No reprints. Responds in 3-4 months. Guidelines online.
Pays €40/poem and €100/review.
Current Needs:
“We welcome unsolicited submissions of poems, and proposals for articles and reviews, from Ireland and abroad, in Irish or English. We actively encourage submissions from women and people from diverse ethnic backgrounds who are currently under-represented in the submissions we receive throughout the year. All submissions are read by the editor but, due to the huge (and welcome!) volume of submissions, we cannot offer any individual criticism. We accept postal submissions, although our preferred means of submission is online through our Submittable form.” Pays €40/poem and €100/review.
Pays €40/poem and €100/review.
Welcomes New Writers: Yes