Published on July 23, 2020
Through real (and often humorous) stories, Cindy Keith, RN, BS, CDP teaches family members of dementia patients how to keep their own sanity when their elder seems bent on driving them crazy!
Published on July 23, 2020
Twice in my life, anxiety caused by insomnia has become so bad that I could not cope without pharmaceutical help, and that was a truly frightening place to be. I wrote this book in the hope that it gives people lifestyle tools to use before it gets to that point where they can no longer handle it on their own…
Published on July 16, 2020
As an ER doctor descends into madness while trying to hide his delusions and hallucinations from his colleagues…
Published on July 16, 2020
I tried to write my novel twice. But, both times I made little progress, and eventually abandoned these efforts. But, my dream of writing a novel would not go away…
Published on July 9, 2020
Beginning when I was 13, characters started invading my daydreams. They most decidedly weren’t elves or dwarves or dragons or knights in shining armor. They were human beings. I had no idea who they were then but I could see them, and hear them speak in my mind. Vividly. Clearly…
Published on July 9, 2020
I started writing seriously around 1978. Prior to that I suppose I wasn’t serious – shopping lists, addressing letters, hastily scribbled recipes, threatening notes to other car owners to get out of my parking space…
Published on July 2, 2020
No great emotion is realized fully until one can see the other side of it. Death makes us appreciate life. Illness makes us appreciate good health. Poverty helps us appreciate the little things, and the list goes on. The Journey follows one couple’s quest from creation through many different lives, and surpasses many years and eras while in search of each other. Their father sent them on this educational journey to learn many facets of living…
Published on July 2, 2020
I started reading some of the newer horse books, and was appalled at what I found.
Published on June 25, 2020
Using real people’s personalities, this author created fictional characters that are believable AND fascinating!
Published on June 25, 2020
One of the Christmas cards caught my attention. It depicted a giant ornately decorated snowman standing in the center of a snow covered path. I live in an apartment building. Next door, there is a forest with a path that has been deliberately cut though the trees – just like that in the card!