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Author Describes the Demise of Her Beloved Catholic Church…One Word at a Time – by T. Stanfill Benns

I vividly remember hearing that voice late one night, as a teenage wife and mother…an inner voice warning me, “You will see times like no other since the beginning.” Only later would I find the Scripture verse that confirmed what I had heard: “For then there shall be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be.” (Matt. 24:21)…

Author Writes Only One Book – Because It Was His Sacred Duty – by Iser Flaum

Author Writes Only One Book – Because It Was His Sacred Duty – by Iser Flaum

Not being a professional writer, this is my first and probably last book. After a fulfilling career contributing to the high-tech industry as an engineer and raising my family, I determined that I needed to memorialize my parents’ tribulations as Nazi slave captives. After they had already passed from the world, and after I retired […]

Literary Prize Winner Abandons Writing for Awhile, and Then Finds His Muse in Africa!- by David Michael Litwack

Literary Prize Winner Abandons Writing for Awhile, and Then Finds His Muse in Africa!- by David Michael Litwack

“When a young Peace Corps volunteer is recruited for a ‘second job,’ we are thrust into a new heart of darkness—and light. A rich, thrilling LeCarre-esque journey into the tribal and geopolitical wars of 1960s Africa.” -Kenneth W. Davis, Professor Emeritus of English, Indiana University Background In 1966, the Peace Corps sent me to the […]

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